Reading time: 2 minutes
PUBLISH DATE: Feb 25 2022
UPD: Jan 17 2024
Reading time: 2 minutes
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We Stand with Ukraine

Keenethics’ official development center is located in Ukraine – Lviv.

Representative offices of Keenethics are situated in the Netherlands – Oss, USA – New York, Poland – Krakow, Munich – Germany, and Estonia. 

Keenethics supports Ukraine amid the Russian threat. Since the beginning of the russian invasion of Ukraine, the position of Keenethics has been unchangeable. We support Ukraine, a free and sovereign country, and continue contributing to the Ukrainian economic growth and expansion of the IT sector. In addition, we’re involved in several projects to assist those affected by the war. 


Dear partners, clients, and friends,

The story of Keenethics starts in Ukraine, so we take the russian invasion personally. 

Our priorities are the following:

  1. to ensure the safety of our employees to maintain flawless operations;
  2. to deliver quality and security for your projects;
  3. to support our army. 

Since the beginning of the war, we developed safety strategies and predicted all possible scenarios the company could face. Our business continuity team implemented the business continuity plan (BCP), thanks to which our company has stayed afloat. Most of our employees moved to safer parts of Ukraine and abroad to maintain the quality functioning of the projects. Furthermore, no blackout is a challenge for us. We’ve prepared ourselves with all the resources to maintain work in a normal mode. We ensure we keep working and all Ukrainian employees are in safe places. Keenethics provides smooth business operations and delivers top-quality solutions. 

We encourage you to support Ukraine and the IT software development industry in Ukraine.

Thank you to everyone who supports Keenethics and the people of Ukraine. Together we’ll stand! #StandWithUkraine #stopthewar

Keenethics’ Projects and How We Stand With Ukraine

Keenethics’ social activities 

In 2016, Keenethics started a social activity, our first fully funded social project, Let Kids Move. In wartime, our corporate social responsibility multiplies. We continue standing with Ukraine by supporting our armed forces through donations. Ukrainian soldiers have many military needs, including armor vests. To save their lives, we joined the project of manufacturing these body armor vests in the Lviv region along with the Lviv Defence Cluster. 

Keenethics' social activity during wartime

Lviv Defence Cluster (LDC) is a public association based on Kharkiv’s factory, which the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has appointed as the main coordinator of the production of armor vests during the war. The LDC logistics department transfers all the body armor to the military units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, all free of charge. 

You can donate to support manufacturing body armor vests for the Ukrainian army here (for EUR, US dollars, PLN, pounds) or here (for UAH).

Ukrainian volunteers put much effort into helping the Ukrainian army on different fronts. From the start of the Russian invasion, Keenethics has been doing the same. Many volunteers care about bringing armor vests for our military from abroad because many factories in Ukraine can’t function in the pre-war mode. We arranged the delivery of needed materials from other countries and launched the manufacturing at several facilities in the Lviv region at once. In addition to financial assistance, we continue being media partners to spread the information and increase project support from foreign partners. 

If you’re interested in Keenethics experience during wartime, what possible concerns we’re ready to dissolve, and how we implement a business continuity plan (BCP), learn more in our article.

Donations from staff

Besides the direct donations from Keenethics as the web development company, our employees support Ukraine through their joint efforts. Since the beginning of the war, we as a staff have financially supported the Ukrainian army, and specifically, we’ve directed our support to the 24th Brigade. 

Donations from staff to the 24th brigade

To date, we donated UAH 214.000, helping the Brigade to cover some of the essentials:

  • stoves;
  • bayraktar;
  • power banks;
  • spare parts, tires, and wheels for military vehicles; 
  • a radiator for a Gaz 66 car;
  • thermal camera and collimator sights;
  • solar charging stations;
  • drone with an extended flight range.
The essentials of the army our staff covered

The 7th anniversary of Keenethics and our volunteer initiative

On August 26, 2022, Keenethics turned 7 years old. The founders of the company, CEO Max Savonin and CTO Alex Pletnov, decided to change this year’s celebration. They spent the budget planned for the Keenethics celebration on a volunteer project. The money we could spend on celebrating the anniversary we donated to renovating one of the buildings of the military hospital in Truskavets.

As a result, we did the following:

  • replaced all plumbing and lighting;
  • installed new pipes;
  • purchased the necessary equipment for the bathroom;
  • repainted the walls. 

Another of the initiatives was to visit military guys at the hospital and conduct a lecture on the IT sector. At first, we went to energize them, but as a result, they energized us. Ukrainians have strong spirits, which once again proves that everyone Stands with Ukraine on their front.

Are you looking for tech solutions for your business?

The Keenethics specialists are ready to take up your project idea and turn it into a promising long-term software product. 

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Daria Hlavcheva
Daria Hlavcheva
Head of Partner Engagement
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