

Facilitating knowledge sharing and remote management is practically possible through e-learning software development. Our clients choose emerging technologies to implement their project ideas. Our tech stack for e-learning app development services includes technologies from Node.js and React.js to Vue.js and TypeScript. Through our services, we deliver custom solutions, focusing on customers' preferences and visions of the product architecture.
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Custom E-learning Solutions We Develop

Our elearning app development services aren't only about education. We build e-learning products with functional features that are practical for many industries. Our clients hire us as an e-learning app development company for the development of the following elearning software solutions:
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Content management software solutions

The value of this platform is its functions enabling the managers to regulate content effectively by using built-in resources, templates, and other tools. We provide the best services on several platforms by utilizing the most efficient technologies. We know how to monetize your software product, promote it, and enable you to benefit while maintaining a happy user base.

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Artificial intelligence-based platforms

By blending data science with modern development practices, our specialists deploy machine learning models and algorithms, allowing you to work faster and with fewer expenses. We develop customized solutions at any scale by applying deep technological expertise in AI/ML development services.

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The systems used by administrators, managers, and educators

Edtech combines the power of technology and educational practices to ensure effective learning and teaching experience and streamline routine functions and educational processes. By 2028, the edtech market size is expected to reach nearly USD 380 billion.

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Products primarily for user engagement

Self-education software allows students to manage their learning processes independently, while teachers get the chance to facilitate students’ learning. Self-education software gives users a variety of learning opportunities, from language learning apps to educational systems for school management.

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E-learning platforms for businesses and employees

The main advantage of e-learning is that it can be accessed from anywhere and by anyone. Using e-learning platforms, educators can reach a wider audience, while learners can get the opportunity to improve their skills without leaving their homes.

E-Learning Software Development Services We Offer

Custom solutions for e-learning

Sometimes, schools and educational businesses need unique solutions to solve their problems. In this regard, our company is ready to provide custom e-learning software development. What does it entail? In this case, we create a product that specifically fits your company (and not any other business on the market).

Integration into Learning Management Software

Many organizations already have high-quality courses for students. What they lack is the capability to transition the relevant expertise into a digital format. Keenethics can develop custom e-learning software solutions that solve these problems. We can help transition your content to a web-based platform, for example, to make your business computer-centric.

Transition into the cloud

If you already have a Learning Management System in your business, we have an additional opportunity for you: Keenethics helps with transitioning such projects into the cloud. Address us for a consultation and active development of tools for an efficient transition.

Mobile development services

Many students prefer to use their smartphones to study. The reasons are diverse: for some, they offer mobility; others like strong media integration. Keenethics knows how powerful mobile e-learning software solutions can be. Our team has major experience developing high-quality mobile software. Are you interested? We're here to help you.

What Does Our Expert Say?

Our company offers e-learning software development services that can help make education accessible and convenient for everyone. Our team of experts is ready to develop a website for you using the latest technologies and tools to help you achieve your learning goals.

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Yaroslav Lopushanskyi
Senior front-end developer

Advanced Tech Solutions for Custom E-Learning Software Development

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Chatbots and virtual assistance

A chatbot can be an essential addition to learning experience platforms. For example, it can answer some common learner questions if well-equipped with additional virtual assistance tools.

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Smart devices

E-learning has the capability to include so-called smart devices. These devices can help track student engagement and progress by analyzing their physiological information or make some learning processes simpler (for instance, reading, if one uses an e-book).

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Predictive learning analytics

The analysis of the current student behavior can give a lot of hints about their future progress. In this regard, predictive learning analytics finally provide tools for collecting enough high-quality information on this topic.

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Cloud services

Many e-learning platforms are notable for their lack of tie to some specific geographical location. Cloud services can remove the geographical limits entirely, promoting distance learning.

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Virtual reality

Virtual reality has tremendous implications for boosting multimodal learning. Thus, the inclusion of VR is a core element for teaching STEM and healthcare professionals.

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Extended reality

Extended reality allows one to project virtual objects onto the real world or create elaborate virtual realities. By adding this technology, you can boost many teaching environments in your business.

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Augmented reality

Augmented reality is the addition of virtual reality to the outside world. This approach can promote interactive learning.

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Big data

Modern computers allow their core users to collect tremendous amounts of information about different topics. Using this data, the business analysts can analyze human behavior and make realistic predictions on their core activities. This data may later become the basis of a student information system.

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Machine learning

Big Data is often too advanced to enable full human analysis. In this regard, a solution comes in the form of machine learning: it can analyze tremendous amounts of Big Data information to make vital predictions.

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Artificial Intelligence

A product of machine learning, artificial intelligence can perform many human tasks without human input. It’s a perfect technology for automating many remote learning processes.

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Wearable devices

Wearable devices, such as smartwatches, can assist in learning by giving advanced teaching tools. Thus, the creation of software for this field is a highly vital task.

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Many people like learning through games because they decrease stress usually associated with academic systems. Consequently, gamification has great potential in the world of decreasing attention spans.

Key Features for E-Learning Solutions

Voice interface

Accessibility is essential in the world where up to 15% of the population has some disabilities. The ability to control apps with voice, thus, can help many individuals adopt your solution in their everyday lives and integrate it into their knowledge management.

Admin and setup

Many apps include the capability to work with numerous individuals during the educational process. This information means that they need administration setup tools to enable proper functionality and security.

Content management

E-learning solutions need to have content to work properly. Consequently, the core goal here is to create features that enable easy addition and modification of appropriate content type.

User engagement

A major feature of all learning apps are the tools for user engagement. One should have some return bonuses and other types of entertainment to guarantee the long-term success of the learning apps. A communication portal often is crucial for attracting users to online courses, too. It’s also essential to focus on content creation to ensure long-term interest.


Many learning institutions and businesses are using numerous third-party learning and work-related tools for knowledge assessment. A strong e-learning solution must include features that allow the integration of those core tools. For example, the ability to embed YouTube videos is a must for Learning Management Systems.

Artificial intelligence

AI is one of the most transformative fields regarding educational content. For example, it enables major advances in the inquiry-centric learning process. Consequently, apps that adopt this technology are likely to get a major competitive advantage.


E-Learning Software Development Challenges

Dynamic Learning Environment


New features of e-learning come every day. This is because of the dynamic learning environment. Global Market insights Inc. reports that the e-learning market is expected to cross the $1 trillion mark by 2028. The e-learning software development company you hire should be ready to use only up-to-date technologies to guarantee long-term relevance.



At Keenethics, we keep pace with news and trends in the industries we serve. We develop an elearning software solution with your target audience in mind. Ultimately, you get an online learning platform that changes your learners’ attitude to study.

Dynamic Learning Environment

Approachable User Interface

Challenge: You want your e-learning software to be easy to use, since your audience isn’t tech-savvy. You want it to be understandable for both old and young people with no tech skills or experience. The e-learning interface should be user-friendly and multi-functional. But not all solutions can meet these requirements.


Solution: Our company offers full-cycle development, during which we take your software from the initial idea to the end product. Combining the work of cross-field professionals, including experienced designers, we guarantee the creation of an intuitive design that will earn the hearts of your users from the first days.

Approachable User Interface

Analytics Tools


Your goal isn’t only to educate your learners with the help of e-learning software development. You also aim to review your work and analyze results. By studying analytics, you can understand the drivers of student performance. Your elearning software solution should include analytics tools.



Our team is always happy to give you powerful tracking tools and the opportunity to get insights. We automate the reporting and analytics functions using our AI expertise. AI-powered tools will generate personalized recommendations for your learners based on their performance.

Analytics Tools

Adaptive Learning


In studying online, your learners should feel the same as if they were studying in a classroom. But is it possible for an educator to control everything? Not really, particularly when 50 or more students attend your course or program. Through adaptive learning, learners become more productive and improve their progress thanks to real-time feedback.



To solve this issue, we suggest using AI-powered tools for personalization. Based on the learners’ behavior, AI-powered e-learning algorithms will pay enough attention to everyone. The task of the educator is to simply regulate the learning process.

Adaptive Learning

Creativity Tools


In a classroom, you can draw graphs, make tables, and write down the main points. The task of e-learning programs isn’t to limit learners’ creativity. Your users should have the same freedom and tools as they have in a classroom. It seems challenging.



Keenethics is ready to implement all your creative ideas in reality. We’ll help you build a product that will allow your users to manage audio, video, textual, and graphic content in one place. When adapted to any screen, these functions form the basis of your interactive learning software.

Creativity Tools

Keenethics: Your next software development partner

When looking for an experienced software development partner, you can trust us with any idea. We deliver your project through a full-cycle development process, studying your business concept, listening to your requirements, collaborating with our design specialists to create a unique user interface, and testing the product. Ask us any questions, and we guarantee to provide you with smart e-learning software development services. With the right software partner, you’re more likely to enter the educational market and reach your target audience.

Our Experience


In this case, the problem our customers wanted to solve was the absence of apps that help adults develop their working memory. Brainable is an app that offers a solution to this issue. How? It provides 20 carefully crafted games to help users at improving their mental abilities.

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The early years of one’s life are the best period for obtaining new knowledge. Coding is similar to learning a real language: it requires one to learn the syntaxis of coding software. In this light, we helped our partners create a desktop app that assists children with understanding the basics of coding. 

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Self-development courses are essential for professional growth. SelfLeaders is a company that helps people overcome their inner barriers. Our company assisted SelfLeaders with digitalizing their solutions and reaching more people through their educational materials.

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Education Software Development Services We Offer

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Language-learning apps

Language learning is becoming increasingly popular in the modern world. With globalization, the cultural barriers between various nations are falling. In this light, developing a language-learning app makes sense. Keenethics knows how to deliver apps of this type: we can create both language course programs and even full-scale training apps for learners.

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Cloud-based learning software

The modern world is becoming increasingly interconnected due to the Internet. Many traditional social activities transition online. In this light, a strong factor of success for education software is web presence. Our team knows how to work with the key cloud technologies on the web. This information means we can quickly create a cloud-based learning solution for you.

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Skill assessment solutions

Assessment is a complex process for the majority of teachers. It requires significant attention and is time-consuming. Keenethics can develop a solution automating test checking for you. If you want to save time, this solution is perfect for you.

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LMS software solutions

Learning management systems are essential if you work with a large number of students. Address us if you want to get such a framework for your business.

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Gamified education software solutions

Videogames are one of the largest entertainment markets in the world. Millions of people are used to the incentive systems within them. What do gamified education software solutions offer? They give you an opportunity to use game-like incentives to promote studies.

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Employee training systems

Every job has some unique skills one needs to cover. In this light, off-the-shelf solutions can sometimes be insufficient for your goals. Keenethics is a company that can develop a custom training solution for your business. It’ll fit the needs of your company, helping to develop the skills that you want to see among the workers.

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Mobile learning solutions

The majority of people no longer use personal computers for everyday tasks outside their jobs. In this light, the rise of web and mobile platforms is evident. Keenethics has a powerful tech stack for delivering mobile apps. We can create products that maximize comfort for mobile users.

Why Choose Keenethics as a E-Learning Software Development Company?

Extensive Expertise in the Education Sector

The first reason to hire Keenethics as a software development team is our extensive knowledge of educational programs and apps. Over the 8 years our company has been present on the market, we have developed multiple edtech and employee training solutions. They include apps like Brainable, Let’s Start Coding, and SelfLeaders. The members of our team know how to work both with the school/college system and education businesses. We can develop your solution and offer valuable insights for improving the original concept based on our knowledge of educational platform development.

Extensive Expertise in the Education Sector

Unique UI/UX knowledge

Keenethics experts believe that a vital aspect of success for many apps is the presence of a user-friendly interface. Even the best projects can lose the market due to incoherent educational experience. This aspect is especially true for e-learning. In this case, both teachers and students are unlikely to be tech experts, requiring a genuinely intuitive interface to guarantee widespread adoption. Our team can help you create such an intuitive interface. We’ve performed multiple high-value UI/UX audits in the past, assisting various businesses with improving their user experiences. If you address us, we can use this experience to help your organization too.

Unique UI/UX knowledge

Education-oriented tech stack

Most corporate learning apps focus on the web and mobile applications. What’s the reason for this outcome? The web is available on all operating systems aimed at modern computers. In turn, mobile platforms are also quite standardized and available to the majority of the users. Keenethics focuses on a tech stack that is perfect for this web- and mobile-centric market. Our company works with technologies such as Node.js and React Native, which are perfect for combining web capabilities with mobile ones. In short, we can deliver a solution that perfectly fits the needs of the present market from a technological standpoint.

Education-oriented tech stack

2-week trial period and Strike Force

We also do everything to maximize value for our customers at Keenethics. Firstly, you can ask for a 2-week trial period to see if our company fits your needs in terms of app development. Secondly, we have a dedicated team of senior developers, Strike Force, who can help deliver the basis of your app within just one month. With these features, you can always be sure that you’ll gain maximal value during the development of your e-learning solution.

2-week trial period and Strike Force

Our Customers Say

I’m the co-founder of Self Leaders, a virtual leadership training company. Keenethics has been part of our journey in developing our digital tool from the start. The team designed and tested the first version and now are continuing to build and update it. The reason we chose Keenethics is because we got the impression that they could support us with the terms of how and having the capacity to really unlock this tool. They connected with us on a more why level. They really took the time to understand why we were building it. That was important to us.

Stockholm, Sweden
Co-Founder, Self Leaders
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I’m the technical lead at Isapiens srl, an e-learning company. We provide services to corporations in Italy. The Keenethics team performed well alongside our internal team. Their developers produced high-quality code and efficient scripts emphasizing the app’s performance. The team was highly accessible and responded to any inquiries within 30 minutes. They built and helped launch a training progress page that shows each student’s progress and a general overview of Italy’s geographical regions. They also implemented a system to track how each administrator creates or modifies information. Keenethics accommodated two weeks of 10–12-hour days to help us meet our strict deadlines. They truly invested themselves in the project.

Anton Mihlin
Technical Lead, Isapiens srl
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I am the founder and CEO of an early-stage edtech company. We hired Keenethics to help develop the UI/UX for our app and also a clickable prototype that we could share with customers. Once we had the clickable prototype in hand, our customers’ understanding of our product increased significantly. We were able to help them visualize and conceptualize what it was we were doing for them. Also, since the designer provided components in Figma, our developers were able to quickly implement the designs. They adhered to the deadlines, scope, and cost projections while providing an end product that has been extremely valuable for us.

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Aditya Kaddu
Redwood City, California
CEO, EdTech Company
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Do you offer integration services for an elearning software solution?

Yes, we provide integration services for e-learning solutions. We can integrate your product with analytics systems (for instance, Google Analytics), error handling systems (for example, Sentry or Datadog) as well as third-party services, such as another e-learning system that provides an integration API.

Do you develop e-learning platforms for industries other than education?

In general, technologies are business domain agnostic. We can build an e-learning platform for any industry. Our customers hire our e-learning software development services for healthcare, finance and banking, employee training, and retail.

Do you modernize legacy learning systems?

We keep our project dependencies up-to-date and integrate modern technologies and approaches in the legacy codebase seamlessly.

Do you develop a custom elearning software solution?

When hiring us as an e-learning app development company, you get high-quality customization for your project. We create e-learning solutions with the latest stable technologies that can be used across the web on desktop and mobile devices. As long as the common tech stack of React/Svelte frameworks, npm/yarn as a dependency, and task manager, we use server-side rendering (Next.js) to increase the page load time and have pages recognized by search engines (indexing for SEO).

What kind of educational software do you develop?

Our specialists have expertise in developing a wide variety of educational software solutions. We take on e-learning projects for businesses and educational institutions to spread the learning opportunity for everyone. At Keenethics, we build the following software solutions:


• content management software solutions;

• artificial intelligence-based platforms;

• the systems for administrators and educators to streamline routine functions and educational processes;

• products primarily for user engagement;

• e-learning platforms for businesses and employees;

• questionnaires, quizzes, vocabularies, and tests.


We’re dedicated to implementing any project idea you have in mind. 

What features can you offer for my elearning software solution?

If you’re interested in developing a winning educational product, you’re welcome to check out our article to figure out must-have features you should consider. The list of features depends on project specifications. We can implement most e-learning software solutions, including classrooms, boot camps, training, and tests with various gamified elements.

What's the average development time in your company?

Our custom e-learning development speed usually depends on the scope of your project requirements. Small- and medium-scale projects can take between two and four months, depending on the custom feature you need. Larger projects with advanced social features may require between four months and a year. Some long-term services typically necessitate years-long investments due to the constant addition of new features.

Hire E-Learning Software Developers

Do you have vision of the product functionality? Contact our specialists, and we'll do our best to achieve steady development of your elearning software solution.

Daria Hlavcheva

Head of Partner Engagement

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