Our team implemented seamless integration of online games into modern web-application through various edge-cutting tools. First, we download our builds from the GitHub repo directly into the browser, allowing fast download speeds for the client and the ability to perform flowing updates without disrupting the application. When users interact with our games, their results are picked up, saved, and processed by Firebase Functions backend, providing high scalability and almost 100% uptime. |
What Is Brainable?
Team10 employees
Time10 months
ProductBrain-training website
IndustryEducation, Entertainment
LocationNew York, USA
After graduating from schools, colleges, and universities, we have no time for training our cognitive skills. At work, we do numerous tasks, while at home, we do some housework and then want to have rest. So, how to find time for self-improvement? Together with the founders of Brainable, the Keenethics team gives you the answer. The idea behind Brainable is to give users the chance to combine useful activity with pleasure. If we talk about our daily rest, what activities come to your mind? Usually, these are reading, watching Netflix, or playing games, aren’t they? Brainable focuses on the last one and makes playing games not only entertaining but also useful. With only 15 minutes per day, you can have fun and simultaneously stimulate your brain using Brainable.
Challenges & Solutions
Nowadays, more and more people look for tools that are not only entertaining but also educational. Thus, creating an app enabling users both to have fun and sharpen their cognitive skills became our first challenge.
Brainable is an app that can greatly expand your knowledge. We created the app, which includes more than 20 carefully crafted games designed to improve your mental abilities. With the help of Brainable, you can train the skills that are the most important to you.
Our Team
What Makes Brainable Special?
1. The variety of games

2. Personalized learning
This feature makes the app stand out among other educational apps. Every Brainable user has a chance to receive a personalized daily training program along with a personalized performance report. While using a conventional level-progression system, our game design is tailored for routine daily workouts and high retention. |

3. Focus on the main areas of cognitive skill
We’re using all ReactJS potential to layout the best intuitive UI possible, so users can freely navigate their progress in different cognitive categories. Memory, speed, concentration, reaction, and logic are all fields the app seeks to improve in all users. You’ll significantly enhance your mental abilities once you try the games. Plus, interactive charts will help you track your results. |

4. Learning with fun
We save all user activities in a Firebase Firestore database, aggregate them and yield a suitable activity level. We thoroughly process the data delivering users much enjoyment. Properly chosen complexity of the game levels tailored to the audience’s needs make everyone engaged in the process and entertained. Everyone is involved and delighted when the complexity is carefully selected and adapted to the audience’s needs. |

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