If I asked you to name a person who was not affected by the pandemic, who would come to your mind? It seems to be a very hard question because almost everyone feels the adverse effects of today’s difficult situation. Mental health therapy apps such as uMore are developed to cope with the pandemic outcomes and not only.

What Is uMore?
Team< 10 employees
ProductMental health therapy app
LocationDubai, UAE
uMore is an AI-powered tool for tracking your wellbeing. It helps you change and improve your behaviors to reduce the levels of stress and build positive habits. Using uMore, people have the chance to share their information with family, friends, or physicians — anyone constituting a part of their safe circle.
What is a safe circle? In uMore, a safe circle is a group of your closest people whom you trust. They can analyze your behavior and even take the necessary measures to prevent stressful situations in your life.
Catch, check, and change — this is how we describe the main functions of uMore. Firstly, open the app and get a chance to catch all your negative thoughts and feelings in one place. Why do you need this? Because realizing and acknowledging our problems is a half-way to solving them. Secondly, check the overall picture. Systematize all your information and get a better understanding of your inner state as well as the ways to improve it. Thirdly, change your thoughts and attitudes — change your life quality and boost your wellbeing, sharing positivity with your safe circle!
What Makes uMore Special?
1. uMore is relevant

2. uMore is flexible
This Artificial Intelligence app does not bind you to anything. uMore is not here to promote particular medical treatments — it is here to give you a tool to cope with stress and improve your health.
3. uMore is reliable
Only credible information is incorporated in this software solution. uMore is an AI mental health app that identifies your stress level with the scientifically proven PSS (Perceived Stress Scale) method. Then, based on your results, uMore helps you figure out what matters to you and why. It takes control over the quality of your wellbeing and visualizes your progress.

4. uMore is socially vital
One of the peculiarities of this AI mental health app is the idea behind the project. Maria Freitas, uMore CEO, reveals the story that prompted her to build such an app. Like many other people today, her family was also affected by COVID-19. As the case of Maria’s sister showed, those coming down with the coronavirus struggle with mental health a lot. For people facing a similar situation, uMore will become a real and helpful solution aimed to decrease mental health pressure and make users feel heard and needed.

5. uMore is topical
This app revolutionizes the understanding of mental health and its importance. While most of us care about physical health and our appearance, we pay less attention to our feelings and thoughts. Yet, the importance of mental health therapy apps has been proven by uMore’s award-winning strategy:
- Winner of Unite to Fight Covid-19 Startup Weekend UK 2020
- Resident in In5 Dubai Tech Innovation Center 2020
- Winner of Techstars COVID-19 Innovation Bootcamp Global 2020.

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