Keenethics focuses on a strong in-house team that can deliver high-quality products within small-time frames. For example, our senior Strike Force can deliver a foundation of your project within one month, leaving the less complex tasks to junior or mid-level developers. Moreover, all developers have extensive knowledge of coding. Due to our dedicated development team model, most of our team members have experience of working on multiple projects. As a result, they know how to adapt to unique project demands and fulfill even the most unexpected customer requirements.

Dedicated Software Development Team
Benefits of Hiring a Dedicated Development Team
Maintain control
Reduce HR expenses
Ensure quality service
Meet pressing deadlines
Help gain expertise
Address critical HR needs
Keenethics Process for Creating a Dedicated Project Team
Understanding your project demands
Above all, we focus on understanding what exactly your product needs. Our goal is to see what goals we’re supposed to achieve during development. Why is this important? Proper understanding can help us see what skilled professionals are necessary for a project. After all, different goals demand different tech skills from the experts.
Finding proper talent
Once we understand your key goals and demands for a software product, our managers transition to the talent finding stage. At this point, we look for people with extensive experience regarding your field within our team. This step is important because it helps ensure the maximal efficiency of the long-term development process by aligning team skills with project needs.
Assembling and integrating the project team
It’s not enough to find talent. One should also be able to turn this team into a working mechanism. In this respect, we focus on establishing positive and productive contacts between all team members and, more importantly, provide this developer group with a dedicated project manager, who manages all communication and goal-setting. In short, we set up a proper hierarchy and, more importantly, establish positive relationships between the key employees.
Analyzing key results of our process
What are the core outcomes of the processes we’ve outlined in the presented case? Our customers get an opportunity to cooperate with a skilled development team that can deliver genuinely successful projects. The relevant team will have strong organization and, more importantly, a sufficient degree of autonomy to offer you some genuinely creative solutions.
Our tech stack
Composition of our Dedicated Development Teams
Responsibility areas of Keenethics
Responsibility areas of the clients
Why choose Keenethics
1. Experienced developers

2. Fast team recruitment
Since the majority of our team has experience of working on innovative solutions, it’s not difficult for us to recruit a full-scale team fast. Most of our experts know how to adapt to unique project demands due to their past work experience or, for example, unique development experiences within our company. As a result, we can assemble a team of experts with expertise in your field very fast.

3. Motivated team with low turnover rate
The team behind our project is highly motivated for two reasons. On the one hand, we pay attention to their mental health. Our Mental Health Officer closely monitors the mental state of the employees to ensure they’re happy and motivated. On the other hand, our firm offers many interesting tasks to the developers, creating a space where it’s easy to apply creativity. In this light, turnover within Keenethics is low: as a result, you can enjoy a significant cost-saving effect due to working with stable teams that have thorough knowledge about your project.

4. Strong communication
We have major experience of cooperation with clients that come from different time zones. Consequently, we know how to properly inform them about project progress and, more importantly, understand how to overcome the inevitable time differences. With us, you can always be sure that you’ll fully understand the processes involving your project and have transparent responses to all your feedback.

Our Customers Say
Type of Dedicated Development Team
Do you have a project that you need to develop but don’t have a development team? This situation is common and it often undermines many projects.
Our company can solve this problem. How? We provide specialists via the outsourcing model. You can provide us with a task and we’ll be able to develop a product for you.
When You Need to Hire Dedicated Development Team
Why partner with us?
Great specialists
Keenethics has a team of developers that can create truly high-quality products. For example, one of the key strengths we have is our Strike Force. This is a team of senior specialists who can create the basis of your project in one month.

Major expertise and experience
Keenethics has been on the market for more than 7 years. During this time, we’ve managed to create dozens of projects in different fields. Our team has significant knowledge of the key development practices and standards. This means we know how to develop high-quality products.

Attention to mental health
Coding can often be a tedious and exhausting practice. It may eventually lead to burnout if one doesn’t pay attention to their mental health. Our team makes a major investment in analyzing the mental health of the workers. Using these insights we promote measures that guarantee the long-term well-being of the relevant individuals.

What is a dedicated development team?
How much does it cost to hire a dedicated team?
The cost depends primarily on the features and functionalities you need in your project. Also, we consider programmers’ experience and their soft skills when setting a price. That’s why the cost of hiring a dedicated team depends on many factors.
What are the reasons for hiring a dedicated software development team?
Hiring dedicated developers allows you to receive guidance right from product ideation all the way to maintenance and support. Moreover, being fully devoted to the particular client, a dedicated development team ensures efficient and quality service.
How should I choose a dedicated development team for hire?
The choice of a dedicated software development team usually depends on your business requirements. Yet, you also have to consider the following 3 traits of a great software development company: effective communication, strong culture, and setup for success. Keenethics offers the most skilled dedicated software development experts able to create whatever you need, from mobile applications and responsive websites to cloud-based services.
What are the benefits of hiring a dedicated development team?
There are many of them since relying on dedicated development teams allows to:
1. Maintain control
When you want to manage resources and keep control over the staff yourself, a dedicated development team works best for you.
2. Reduce HR expenses
The greatest advantage of a dedicated software development team is being able to cut down on internal skill development.
3. Ensure quality service
Dedicated development teams are all about the best talents, skills, knowledge, experience, and ideas for your software development project.
4. Meet pressing deadlines
A dedicated development team lets you meet aggressive project deadlines. They’ll help you complete the project on time.
5. Help gain technical expertise
Filling gaps in the technical and industry-specific expertise of your original project team is possible when you hire a dedicated software development team.
6. Address critical HR needs
If your company has dynamically changing staffing requirements, relying on the dedicated development team services is the perfect solution.
Is a dedicated development team more efficient than an internal development team?
Dedicated teams have many advantages, and their main significance is they’re fully dedicated to the particular client and so very efficient.
How many dedicated software developers do I need to hire for a dedicated software team. And for how long?
You can choose as many talents as you need and for as much time it’s required to complete your project. Usually, a dedicated development team consists of the following people:
• Front-end Developer (makes a website or a mobile app, particularly the part that users actually see and interact with)
• Back-end Developer (deals with data storage, security, and other server-side functions that you can’t see)
• QA Engineer (ensures the end-product quality of your website or mobile app)
• UX/UI Designer (focuses on making the product that delights users with its effectiveness and aesthetics)
• Project Manager (controls the entire project scope, the project team and resources, the project budget, and the success of the project)
• Business Analyst (forms business insights, recommends changes, and improves decision-making processes within a project)
Yet, the number of people needed for your project depends on many factors. Our project manager will help you with team formation to ensure they complete your objectives and fulfill the business vision.
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