REST API Development Services

Shaping the way we view, change, and share content using one architectural style
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Why choose RESTful API Development Services?

Here are the core reasons to consider our firm as a REST API partner:

Since data isn’t tied to resources, REST can process multiple types of calls, return various data formats, and modify structurally with proper integration of hypermedia.

Easy caching

Caching boosts the scalability and performance of web applications. It can significantly decrease the average response time of your server.


The app is scalable for two main reasons: no state (by processing each request independently, it keeps resources (memory) and faster data interchange format (mainly, in JSON).

Easy to integrate

A truly RESTful API can be found from the first URI. It simplifies the process for developers trying to connect to your API.

Easy to implement

REST was designed to work over HTTP using well-known GET, POST, PUT, DELETE. All constraints are understandable and help enhance your dev team’s performance.


Our Experience


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A brain-training website helping you discover what your mind can do

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B2B cloud-based procurement platform for on-demand manufacturing

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Our Full-Cycle Method

We guide businesses through every stage of REST API development while delivering effective and elegantly designed solutions to improve your daily business processes.
The goal of business analysis is to test the project idea.
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Through continuous testing, we make sure the code we develop is clean, effective, and free of bugs.
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The goal of a discovery stage is to test and develop the REST API project.
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Software grows outdated, technical errors occur, and the project idea undergoes changes.
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Our REST API Development Services

Here are the core REST API development services we offer:
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Rest API Web Development Services

At our web development company, we specialize in providing comprehensive REST API solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of modern applications. Our REST API development services are designed to seamlessly integrate with cloud-based backends, ensuring robust and scalable performance.

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Rest API Mobile Application Development

In the realm of REST API mobile application development, we emphasize the importance of seamless integration between mobile apps and internal systems. Our experienced developers are skilled in crafting APIs that enhance user experiences, making your mobile apps more intuitive and engaging.

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UI/UX Development for REST API

Our UI/UX development for REST APIs goes beyond mere aesthetics; we can create a user interface that is both visually appealing and functionally effective. By focusing on user experiences, we ensure that the interface of your software systems is user-friendly, promoting better engagement and usability.

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REST API Custom Development Solutions

When it comes to REST API custom development solutions, we understand the unique requirements of your business and strive to develop APIs that perfectly align with your current systems. Our custom solutions are designed to be flexible, allowing for easy integration with your existing software systems.

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REST API Maintenance and Support

We offer dedicated REST API maintenance and support to ensure that your apps run smoothly and efficiently at all times. Our team of experienced developers is always ready to provide timely updates and fixes, ensuring that your systems remain up-to-date with the latest technological advancements.

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REST API Migrating

Our REST API migrating services are focused on transitioning your apps to more advanced and efficient systems without disrupting your business operations. We specialize in migrating your existing APIs to newer, more robust platforms, ensuring a smooth transition of your data and services.

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REST API Data Management

Our REST API data management services are designed to help you effectively manage and utilize your data. We provide solutions that enhance the capability of your APIs in handling large volumes of data, ensuring efficient data processing and storage.

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REST API Consulting

In our REST API consulting services, we offer expert guidance and advice on developing and implementing API strategies that align with your business goals. Our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to helping you navigate the complex landscape of Application Programming Interfaces, ensuring the optimal performance of your software systems.

Why Choose Keenethics as REST API Development Company?

Knowledge of REST API Application

As a leading API development company, our profound knowledge of REST API applications sets us apart in the industry. Our development team is adept at creating scalable API designs that cater to the diverse needs of modern web applications. By utilizing modern tools and technology, we ensure that our APIs aren’t just functional but also efficient and flexible, making them ideal for both mobile and client apps. Our understanding of various platforms and frameworks allows us to develop solutions that are tailored to meet specific business requirements, ensuring that our customers receive APIs that are perfectly aligned with their strategic goals.

Knowledge of REST API Application

Understanding of the Supporting REST API Technologies

Keenethics excels in understanding the supporting technologies essential for effective REST API development. This includes comprehensive knowledge of backends with REST API, ensuring seamless data handling and integration capabilities. We stay updated with the latest technology trends and use state-of-the-art frameworks to develop robust and reliable APIs. Our team is skilled in creating detailed documentation, which is crucial for maintaining clarity and ease of use for our clients. This deep understanding of REST technology enables us to provide a platform that isn’t only innovative but also future-proof, meeting the evolving demands of our customers.

Understanding of the Supporting REST API Technologies

Strong Focus on Novel Methods of Development (Including No-Code)

We’re committed to innovation in API development, with a strong focus on novel methods like no-code solutions. This approach enables us to cater to a broader range of business requirements, especially for clients seeking rapid development with minimal technical overhead. Our development team is skilled in leveraging modern web application frameworks that support these advanced methods, allowing us to deliver solutions that are both agile and scalable. By adopting these cutting-edge techniques, we empower our customers to achieve their goals faster, without compromising on the quality or performance of the API solutions we deliver.

Strong Focus on Novel Methods of Development (Including No-Code)

Dedication to Advanced Security

Security is paramount in our client application development process. We understand the critical importance of protecting a client app, which is why our scalable API designs incorporate advanced security measures. Our team stays abreast of the latest security trends and technologies to ensure that our APIs aren’t only robust but also resistant to various cyber threats. This dedication to security enables us to provide our customers with APIs that they can trust, ensuring the safety of their data and the integrity of their platforms. Our approach to security is proactive, ensuring that our APIs remain secure in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

Dedication to Advanced Security

Tech Stack

These are the tools we use to reach the optimal software solution.

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Daria Hlavcheva

Head of Partner Engagement

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What does REST API development represent?

REST API development represents the process of creating Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that adhere to the principles of Representational State Transfer (REST). These APIs enable different software systems to communicate over the Internet in a standardized way, facilitating data exchange and interoperability between diverse web services and apps.

Why should I use REST API development services (key benefits)?

Using REST API development services offers key benefits like scalability, flexibility, and simplicity in integrating various web-based services. It enhances the ability of systems to communicate and share data efficiently, supports multiple data formats, and is relatively easy to use, making it ideal for modern, interconnected apps.

What frameworks are used for REST API development?

Frameworks used for REST API development include Express.js for Node.js apps, Django and Flask for Python, Ruby on Rails for Ruby, and Laravel for PHP. These frameworks provide robust tools and libraries that simplify the creation of efficient, secure, and scalable REST APIs.

How does typical REST API development proceed?

Typical REST API development follows a structured process, starting with requirement analysis, followed by planning and designing the API endpoints. Next is the development phase, where the API is built and tested. Finally, the API is deployed and continuously monitored and updated for maintenance and improvements.

Is it possible to integrate REST APIs with existing solutions?

Yes, it’s possible to integrate REST APIs with existing solutions. REST APIs are designed to be flexible and adaptable, enabling them to be easily connected with various software systems regardless of their architecture. This allows for seamless data exchange and enhances the functionality of existing applications.

How does one guarantee the security of REST API solutions?

Guaranteeing the security of REST API solutions involves implementing measures such as HTTPS for secure communication, using authentication tokens, validating and sanitizing input data, and employing rate limiting. Regular security audits and adherence to best practices in API security are also essential in mitigating potential risks.

How much does REST API development cost?

The cost of REST API development varies widely depending on factors like the complexity of the API, the specific requirements of the project, the technology stack used, and the expertise level of the development team. As each project is unique, providing exact prices is challenging, and costs are typically based on individual case assessments.

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