Thinking big, acting fast with “framework without the framework”
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Why choose Svelte?

Better performance

Svelte can simultaneously create and optimize the code. It results in less runtime. Users enjoy faster processing, smooth transitions, and feedback for UI. There are fewer digital layers between the browser and the app. Svelte provides auto updates of the data.

Simple format

Svelte offers a simple format written in Typescript. Fewer lines of code help developers save time, minimize bugs, and enhance readability. If you configure the generation of chunks for individual parts of the app, you can achieve a very small code size for initial loading.


Svelte framework contains fewer external dependencies and patterns influencing the app size. It has a compact syntax. You can quickly master Svelte since it has no extra plugins. Also, Svelte has minimal requirements for the boilerplate and file amount in a project.

True reactivity

It helps synchronize DOM with the actual app state. Reactivity is included in the Svelte language. You use physically less code when writing components. It doesn’t need complex state management libraries as it brings reactivity to JS itself.

Fast-working environment

Thanks to the use of vite.js development, the latest versions of Svelte help deliver an efficient development environment. It maintains a flexible configuration of packet assembly involving Rollup. Rollup is used for creating efficient production bundles.


Our Experience


A brain-training website helping you discover what your mind can do.

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A Swedish company helping its customers drive personal development and create a sound corporate culture.

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Our Full-Cycle Method

We guide businesses through every stage of software development while delivering effective and elegantly designed solutions to improve your daily business processes.
The goal of business analysis is to test the project idea.
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Through continuous testing, we make sure the code we develop is clean, effective, and free of bugs.
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The goal of a discovery stage is to test and develop the project idea.
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Software grows outdated, technical errors occur, and the project idea undergoes changes.
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What We Offer

Svelte web development services Svelte web development services
Svelte mobile application development Svelte mobile application development
UI/UX development for Svelte UI/UX development for Svelte
Svelte custom development solutions Svelte custom development solutions
Svelte maintenance and support Svelte maintenance and support
Svelte migrating Svelte migrating
Svelte data management Svelte data management
Svelte consulting Svelte consulting

What Difference We Offer

Quality with Strike Force

You can hire a team of our best senior developers called Strike Force for a perfect start to your project. Within a month, they will set up the development environment, major development processes, and project architecture. Afterward, we suggest switching most of the team members to junior or mid-level developers, while senior developers stay as consultants. This way, you have a more affordable project with a perfect quality set from the start.

Quality with Strike Force

Satisfied users with UX audit

Our UX audit shows you what upsets your users and holds back the success of your solution. This approach is the best way to cut the development expenses and improve your ROI in the long run. In the UX audit, we analyze the design of your solution to improve the user flows. At the same time, we eliminate the pain points of your users as well as improper design practices. Learn more in this UX presentation.

Satisfied users with UX audit

Security with an escrow account

You can employ our escrow partner as a middleman securing your costs. Before we start development, we may agree on the terms upon which the escrow agent releases your payment to us. To calculate your approximate escrow expenses please visit our partner’s website. With a minimal escrow fee, you can sleep well knowing you pay only for the job done properly.

Security with an escrow account

Motivated team with our mental health program

When working with Keenethics, you hire a keen team of dedicated developers. Our Mental Health Officer monitors closely the mental state of each employee to ensure happiness, motivation, and loyalty. With our employee satisfaction checkups, we ensure low employee turnover and no associated project delays. Learn more in this mental health article.

Motivated team with our mental health program

I'm here to help you find a software solution.

If you have a business challenge you want to solve with a software solution, let me tell you about our offers. Should we start with a free estimate of your project?

Daria Hlavcheva

Head of Partner Engagement

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