PUBLISH DATE: Nov 17 2020
UPD: Feb 14 2025
Reading time: 5 minutes
Do you want to develop your custom solution?

MVP or EVP: What Model Is the Best for You?


As you may know, our company specializes in MVP development. To make it clearer for you why this model is worth your time and resources, we have prepared a couple of articles about MVP.

Do you know what models for MVP development exist? Our recent blog post about the types and the benefits of MVP will help you allay all your doubts.

Or, are you aware of the advantages but still do not understand how the MVP development unfolds? Check our article about the relationship between MVP and bicycle manufacturing. Reading it, you will see how vital this model is.

Or maybe you don’t believe in any arguments and what to study the issue from the practical viewpoint? Several case studies will help you to reveal how you should use MVP to succeed and how you should not use it not to fail.

With this knowledge, you see why MVP is so frequently used in business. Today, however, I aim to expand your understanding even more. We are going to review MVP and compare it to the concept of EVP, a slightly similar yet somewhat different concept.

What Is EVP Approach?

As you opened this article, you are probably interested in EVP and the difference between EVP and MVP. So, let’s leave the MVP approach aside and find out what EVP means.

The concept of EVP is also known as an Exceptional Viable Product. In 2013, Rand Fishkin, a co-founder of the SEO platform Moz, coined the very term. Talking about the purpose of EVP implementation, Fishkin says:

You want people to get religious about their love for what you’ve built — so much so that they devote real time to evangelizing your company. You want an EVP — an Exceptional Viable Product.

You may say that his view seems too philosophical, but I would say that it bests describes the role of EVP for your business.

Now, you probably want to read the definition of EVP in simple words. Basically, EVP is very close to the final product, it is almost the finest version of it. If you decide to develop an app using the concept of EVP, you get a multifunctional, well-designed, performant, and secure technological solution.

In other words, an Exceptional Viable Product is the perfect version of your app before it is tested and released. You choose this model in cases when you are sure that your idea will win the competition and when you are more focused on the functionality rather than on the idea itself.

What Is MVP Approach?

Even though you might have heard about the MVP tech field many times, I encourage you to analyze this model once again. Doing so, you will see MVP and EVP in binary opposition. MVP approach exists much longer than the concept of EVP. It stands for a Minimum Viable Product and is one of the best-known models for startup software development. Let’s clarify why.

What comes to your mind when you hear the word “startup?” I am sure that you associate it with something unique, innovative, practical, and interesting. However, it occurs that some startups manage to conquer the market, and others do not.

Why does it happen? Because some startups meet clients’ demands, while others do not. So, MVP is the model that precisely answers the question, “Does my idea have the potential?”

As you already know from our other articles, MVP is a software product that comprises one or maximum two essential features of the planned end product and is designed to check if customers are interested in the idea. The term MVP was coined by Frank Robinson in 2001. He stated:

MVP is a version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort.

If you choose the MVP approach, you get a very basic app with plain design and functionality. Code quality, performance, and security are not the strongest sides of the MVP model. So to say, MVP helps visualize and implement your idea to get a better understanding of your chances for success.

Learn more about what MVP is and how to create it

If you are not sure which approach would work best for you, feel free to consult our expert. Schedule a call or send us a message, and our dedicated engagement manager will show you the best solutions to your business challenge.

Anzhelika Danielkievich

Content Writer



You will ask, “So why do we need both EVP and MVP?” I will give you the answer using the metaphor of a car.

MVP vs EVP and a Car Metaphor

Let’s start with MVP. If you compare the latter to a car, you will imagine a very basic and primitive vehicle. There is no air conditioning, no cruise control, no airbags inside it. It only has two doors, four wheels, a steering wheel, and a manual transmission. The “MVP” car performs only basic functions: it can either move or stand still.

Why do you need this car? To check whether your potential clients are interested in purchasing a car at all. You cannot be totally sure: what if they prefer riding a bike or walking on foot? Make the “MVP” version of a car to check it. In case customers welcome your idea, you will have the chance to advance your project. If, however, your audience do not need a car, you should transform your vision to make your startup more attractive and relevant.

Meantime, the “EVP” version is a luxurious car with both basic and advanced features. Apart from moving and stopping, the car includes many additional functions: lane assist, adaptive auto cruise, seat heating, and road sign recognition. It speeds up to 60 mph in under 3 seconds due to a powerful turbo engine under its hood and the last-generation automatic transmission.

Why do you need this type of car? To check clients’ experience with your startup and see what aspects of its functionality can be improved. You use the “EVP” version of a car to test your vehicle in real-life market settings. You check whether the features you add to the well-known mechanism are unique enough to earn respect and trust of your audience.

When MVP is a winning strategy?

  • When you are not sure whether your idea has the potential

Even with the help of top professionals in the sphere of information technologies, you cannot precisely predict how the audience will respond to your product.

  • When your startup brings something new to the market and you should test it first

Novelty does not always mean success. To check how many chances you have, develop MVP.

  • When the target market is characterized by low competition

In this regard, MVP will help you to prepare the audience for your startup and present your idea to potential clients.

  • When your resources are limited, particularly when it comes to time

Indeed, MVP development is less time consuming than EVP. You will implement your idea quickly and get instant feedback.

  • When you are on a shoestring budget and need help with attracting investors

If your investors are eager to see the overall picture immediately, providing them with the MVP model will work best for you.

  • When you aim to get feedback directly from your audience

Yes, MVP development presupposes direct contact with your customers. Develop MVP and look at your startup from a fresh perspective.

  • When you have a short-term goal that focuses on idea-testing

Judging from clients’ experience with your product, you will see how effective and relevant your idea is.

When EVP is a winning strategy?

  • When you are sure that your startup will be successful

If you clearly see that your application will meet clients’ needs, test your idea with EVP.

  • When you own a popular and well-known business or brand

A good reputation on the market will do a great job for you. Since the audience already trusts you, you can take more time and resources to give them the best product.

  • When the competition on the target market is very high

When competitors are rapidly conquering the market, applying the MVP model and testing basic functions will not be enough. Use EVP in this case. 

  • When you have unlimited resources

On the one hand, EVP costs more money. On the other hand, it gives you more accurate results. 

  • When you have enough time to enter the market after thorough testing

If you feel no time pressure, use the EVP model to make sure that your app will have no bugs and will be both functional and secure. 

  • When you are ready to delegate the responsibility of testing your solution to the development team

To prevent situations when your clients are dissatisfied with your app’s performance, allow developers to test your idea first. 

  • When you are a perfectionist and are interested in long-term implementation

Want to make a really excellent product? Use EVP concept. It will take time, but it’s worth it. 

To Wrap Up

Both MVP and EVP are worth your attention. Neither approach is better or worse — both depend on your project needs and possibilities. In this article, I offered you a side-by-side comparison of MVP and EVP by seven criteria and the example of a car — for you to better understand the essential difference between the two technologies.

The two of them use different means to achieve different purposes in web or mobile app development. They are here to help businesses succeed — MVP for startups and EVP for existing businesses. So, which approach will be yours?

Do you need help with MVP or EVP development?

If you are not sure which approach would work best for you, feel free to consult our expert. Schedule a call or send us a message, and oOur professionals will gladly help you achieve your business goals and develop a perfect software solution. Let us know what kind of services you need!

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