

Implementing powerful and stable solutions with Angular functionality
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Angular Development Services

Custom software

Do you have unique business needs not solved by the products on the market? In that case, we offer high-quality solutions for our customers. Keenethics develops custom software that fits your goals specifically.

Front-end development

Angular is a perfect platform for creating a high-quality user interface. If you want to use the expertise of a business with several years of experience in this field, don't hesitate to contact us.

Cross-platform app development

Being on many platforms is crucial for attracting a maximum number of users. Our tech stack allows us to create cross-platform apps without significant barriers. Are you interested in being present on Android and iOS simultaneously? Then, don’t hesitate to address us.

Development for several major fields

Keenethics specializes in several fields of business activity. What are those? We work on healthcare, finance, education, agriculture, and logistics. If you're interested in a project outside this list, our company is also ready to consider it.

Migration assistance

Many companies already have some IT products in their businesses. What's their problem? Many of them are outdated. Keenethics assists with leaving legacy systems and helps with entering novel ones. We can ensure a seamless transition to platforms such as Angular.

Software maintenance

A significant factor in a successful app includes periodic updates. Users like apps that take their feedback into consideration. If you're interested in the continued progress of your app, Keenethics is here to help.


Sometimes, you may have doubts about the need to transition to certain technologies or have questions about them. You can contact our company regarding the development of Node.js, Angular, or Vue.js apps, for example. Our experts are ready to assist you with any issues regarding those platforms.

Training for custom software

We don’t only develop custom apps but also ensure their usability. Our company can provide you with high-quality guides on using apps developed by us to guarantee your comfort.

Why choose Angular?


Angular is supported by Google. It guarantees long-term support and regularly releases improvements. An extended developer community facilitates project development and support experience.


With Angular development, you use an entire set of built-in features. It supports dependency injection, data mutability, change detection, component-based routing, and form validation.

Incredible tooling

The instruments optimizing the development process:

-Dependency Injection improves app and its modularity

-Angular Services help join app business logic and user interface.

Enhanced performance

Angular functions lighten the work. Written documentation, CLI with tools for coding, two-way data binding, differential loading with 2 bundles, Google Support, and Community of Developers contributing to the framework.



Angular app development doesn’t require additional libraries or modules. Angular has an embedded Material Design Toolset. The UI configuration process is simpler with Angular.



Our Amazing Clients

B2B cloud-based procurement platform for on-demand manufacturing.
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You can maintain accurate financial records with pay stub generator. The online tool is the latest accounting payroll software with multiple pros: user-friendliness, safety, privacy, and outstanding performance.
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AI data analytics platform revolutionizing the corporate and the banking markets.

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Book publishing platform helping you create your own book online with a competent in-house editorial team.
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The revolutionary management platform that makes the home-buying process easier.
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A brain-training website helping you discover what your mind can do.
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Elevating ideas has never been so elementary as it’s now with the startup incubator program.
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One of the mental health therapy apps that cares about people’s well-being during the pandemic and hereafter.
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Now, running an agricultural business with My Grass Growth is easy and efficient.
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Our Full-Cycle Method

We guide businesses through every stage of software development while delivering effective and elegantly designed solutions to improve your daily business processes.
The goal of business analysis is to test the project idea.
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Through continuous testing, we make sure the code we develop is clean, effective, and free of bugs.
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The goal of a discovery stage is to test and develop the project idea.
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Software grows outdated, technical errors occur, and the project idea undergoes changes.
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Our Clients' Feedback

Due to their responsiveness & patience, the collaboration itself progressed smoothly from start to finish, resulting in a high-quality product & ensuring continued engagement. Keenethics’ skill set was exactly what was needed, and despite a language difference, communications never suffered.

Mike Case
from the USA, Georgia
Founder at BankerAdvisor, an investment banking company

Despite the physical distance and never meeting each other in person, Keenethics has built a complicated dairy industry related web app for us. I found the cooperation in the development of this tool good, honest, and straightforward.

Wim Honkoop
from the Netherlands
Founder at MyGrassGrowth, an agriculture company

What Can You Do With An Angular Development Company?

Create custom software

Our company is ready to create products that fit the unique needs of your company. Present us with your requirements: after assessing them, we'll be able to offer our solution. To date, our company has created more than a dozen high-quality apps.

Prepare a minimum viable product

An important aspect of development is testing if a particular product makes sense from the standpoint of the market. Our company is ready to present you with a prototype of your app in the form of a minimum viable product. It's a version of the app having all the key features at a minimum development price. Using this concept, one can quickly test if particular business ideas make sense.

Develop evidence-based UI/UX

Keenethics cares about the quality of user experience. What does our company do to achieve it? We offer audits of your user interfaces and develop full-scale interfaces on an evidence-based framework.

Use novel technologies

Novel technologies are among the key ways to guarantee the longevity and reliability of some software. Angular appeared in 2016, being one of the most novel platforms for developers. You can rely on it while developing web apps.


What is Angular as a technology?

Angular is a popular open-source front-end web app framework developed and maintained by Google. It allows developers to build dynamic, responsive, and scalable web apps using HTML, CSS, and TypeScript.

How to find a good developer for Angular?

Look for developers with Angular experience, good communication skills, and a strong portfolio. Consider referrals and conduct thorough interviews.

Why should I choose Angular?

You should choose Angular for its powerful features, scalability, large community support, and ability to build complex web apps.

How long does development in Angular take?

The development time for an Angular project depends on its complexity, scope, and the developer’s experience and efficiency.

What companies are using Angular?

Companies using Angular include Google, Microsoft, IBM, PayPal, Adobe, Autodesk, Forbes, and the NBA.

I'm here to help you find a software solution.

If you have a business challenge you want to solve with a software solution, let me tell you about our offers. Should we start with a free estimate of your project?

Daria Hlavcheva

Head of Partner Engagement

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