
Cloud Application Development Company

Cloud app development from a team of professionals: try out secure, reliable, and cost-efficient custom cloud products
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Our Custom Cloud Application Development Solutions

Scalable software

We understand that all businesses consider expansion at some point. In this light, Keenethics offers a scalable solution: our products fit small and large firms.

Data-friendly framework

Many businesses use databases to store vital data. Our cloud app development services help transition your crucial information to the Internet. We use frameworks that assist with the seamless integration of company knowledge.

Convenient access

The key idea of cloud solutions is to simplify access to various resources. Our cloud app development services consider this aspect. Authorized users can access Keenethics solutions from any location and at any time. This approach is perfect for international teams as vital data is available from any country.

Reliable solutions

Cloud services store the most vital information about your company. This fact means that the relevant integration software must be reliable. Even a temporary failure can paralyze an entire business. In this regard, we do our best to create stable solutions capable of withstanding large data loads.

Easy management

Cloud solutions involve many people: for example, the users include technical specialists and business managers. If you orient the configuration tools towards experts, you risk excluding other team members. Our company solves this problem by creating easy management tools. We offer in-depth configuration for professionals and simplified solutions for non-expert team members.

Secure data storage

Cloud services contain vital work-related information. If it leaks, the relevant business can lose its competitive edge. To solve this problem, we invest in maximum security. Our solutions include the top frameworks for data protection. With us, you can be sure your data is safe.


Cloud App Development Technologies

We use these cloud app development solutions to deliver high-quality software:

Check Out Our Case Studies


Maintain your financial records with a user-friendly online platform.

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Promote on-demand manufacturing with a B2B cloud platform

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Review our portfolio: Our projects

Industries We Serve

Our cloud application development company serves many industries. Here's the list of the key fields:

Our Full Circle Method

Our cloud based app development services follow a thorough methodology. You can learn about it here:
We test your business idea to guarantee it's robust.
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We work with professional UI/UX developers who deliver the best user experience.
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Our cloud app development company continually tests its code to deliver the best products.
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We concentrate on long-term maintenance to ensure your product is up-to-date.
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Why Choose KeenEthics as a Cloud App Development Company?

Achieving great quality and saving funds with Strike Force

Are you interested in affordable, fast, and high-quality cloud app development services? Firstly, we recommend addressing our Strike Force if you want to develop a potent project quickly. What is it? It’s our team of the best senior developers who can prepare the architecture and development environment of your app within a month. Secondly, you can switch to middle and junior developers afterward. They’ll finish your project under the guidance of the Strike Force specialists. This method helps save funds and maintain excellent quality.

Achieving great quality and saving funds with Strike Force

Ensuring user satisfaction with UX audit

User experience is central to the success of your software. It’s not enough to have many advanced features. They also have to be understandable. Our UX audit helps you understand what upsets the users and disrupts your solution. This process is the best way to cut development costs and boost ROI. 

Ensuring user satisfaction with UX audit

Working with a motivated team

When working with us, you hire a motivated team of developers. We pay significant attention to the employees’ mental health to ensure their happiness and loyalty. Ultimately, our company enjoys low turnover and features no associated project delays.

Working with a motivated team

Developing via modern platforms

Keenethics works with many programming languages and development platforms. Our technology stack involves multiple JavaScript solutions. We develop great front-end and back-end solutions via Node.js, AngularJS, and ReactJS. These platforms offer top performance through their asynchronous capabilities and component-based structures.

Developing via modern platforms

Our Customers Say

We were impressed with Keenethics from the get-go. They really get startups and are able to work without perfect project plans – making clever and reasonable assumptions as they go and clarifying when the need arises. Great team, solid communication, and fast-paced, high-quality development. They really get startups and are able to work without perfect project plans.

Jens Munch
from the UK
Founder of Pace, a revenue management software provider

For more than three years StoryTerrace has been working with Lviv, Ukraine-based Keenethics to develop the most efficient book-creation platform in the world. Throughout that time, they have been a knowledgeable, kind, hard-working, responsive, well-organized group of developers.

Rutger Bruining
from the UK
Founder & CEO at StoryTerrace

Due to their responsiveness & patience, the collaboration itself progressed smoothly from start to finish, resulting in a high-quality product & ensuring continued engagement. Keenethics’ skill set was exactly what was needed, and despite a language difference, communications never suffered.

Mike Casey
from the USA, Georgia
Founder at BankerAdvisor, an investment banking company

Hire Cloud App Developers

Are you looking for a cloud app development company? Keenethics offers many high-quality solutions in this field. Don't hesitate to try out our services! We know how to deliver great products!

Daria Hlavcheva

Head of Partner Engagement

Lets start image


What does cloud development stand for?

Cloud development is the practice of creating and deploying apps/software on cloud computing platforms.

What is a cloud app?

Cloud computing platforms are services enabling data storage online. They work via cloud computing infrastructure, being accessible from any location.

What distinguishes a cloud app from a traditional app?

A traditional app works on the local devices of the users. In contrast, a cloud app is online-centric, working on an external Internet-based storage, a so-called cloud. To access a traditional app, you need to use a specific computer. Cloud apps only require a browser to visit a dedicated website.

What is the development cost of a cloud app?

Everything depends on the scope of the app. Small apps can cost several thousand dollars. Larger ones may require hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars. We recommend looking at the hourly costs. Our company offers development services at rates of 25 to 50 dollars per developer’s work hour.

What is the average development time for a cloud app?

This aspect depends on the complexity of the project too. Our cloud application development company needs between three months and a year for development, depending on the scope of the solution.

What to look for in a cloud app development company?

We recommend searching for the following elements regarding cloud-based app development services:


• Relevant experience (knowledge of cloud development);

• High expertise (presence of middle and senior experts);

• Large portfolio with at least some cloud projects;

• Good pricing;

• Positive communication approach.

Why should I choose Keenethics for cloud development?

Our company has multiple years of experience in cloud development. You can find some interesting cloud-based projects in our portfolio. Besides, we have a team with relevant expertise and offer affordable prices.

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