
Low-Code/No-Code Development Services

No-code app development offers major advantages for modern business. Our firm helps with developing such solutions. Boost your business with no-code development!
Check the case studies

Low-code development services we offer

By hiring our experts in low-code development, you get innovativeness and quality in the entire app development lifecycle. From analyzing your business requirements, we help you choose the most matchable low-code platform, ensuring integration and performance. Even after the product release, you can maximize the potential of your product through our post-deployment support. Our partnership remains secure and efficient over time to make your solution responsive. See the services we offer in the realm of low-code development:
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Low-code consulting services

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Low-code UX/UI design

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Migration services

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Custom app development

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Cost-efficient low-code platform support

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Business process automation and optimization

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Custom module development

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Fast MVP development

Low-Code Development Services with Keenethics experts

Low-Code Development Services with Keenethics experts' image

We break the confidence and prove that not only projects built on technologies can bring real value to businesses. At Keenethics, besides developing traditional custom web solutions, we offer more flexible and cost-efficient ways to build apps – no-code/low-code development. This solution benefits clients looking to prioritize speed, cost, and ease of use. In the realm of no-code and low-code application development, Keenethics can execute custom app development, prototype MVP projects, make custom integrations, and more. Our best developers are proficient in the most popular technologies. Still, we have options for clients wishing to save their costs and get enterprise-grade solutions without much expense. We develop apps in less complex environments by delivering real-time deployment. However, before creating a solution, our experts must ensure that the no-code or low-code solution fits your enterprise system properly.  

Do you have an idea but lack a clear vision of its realization and the outcome for your business? With our low code development, we can help you test your hypothesis using existing data sets. By hiring our services, you benefit from automated development phases and a new approach that doesn’t require you to code your app line-by-line. 

Digital innovations are adaptable to all client’s needs. The key is to know how to implement it smartly. 

Who We Serve


Rapid prototyping and MVP development are the core priorities. Keenethics helps startups quickly validate their ideas and deliver products to market faster. We focus on cost efficiency, scalability, and flexibility within the clients’ budget constraints. 

Enterprises of every scale

SMEs often seek to enhance their internal processes by implementing custom tools. Keenethics, through low-code development, creates comprehensive solutions that reduce time-to-market, from workflow automation tools to data integration and cloud development. 

Industry corporations

Industry corporations target integrating new solutions for specific purposes with their existing IT systems. Finance, healthcare, and education are the prime domains in which Keenethics offers innovation and agility to clients to help them stay ahead of competitors. 


Low-code Development Tools We Use

By defining your purpose and target audience, we can offer low-code technologies or no-code software for your project.

Benefits of Low Code Development


Low-code development accelerates development, testing, and deployment. You minimize the effort required to write extensive code lines and use built-in modules and templates instead.

Simplified design development

Low-code platforms have interactive and dynamic interfaces. By collaborating with the design and development team, you can clearly communicate your ideas and conceptualize them. You can also drag and drop building blocks and pre-built components into the design and integrate them.

Less resources required

You can do more with less resources. Without the deep coding expertise needed, you don’t need to hire a large team of specialized developers. An optimized development approach allows you to allocate fewer man-hours, leading to reduced development time.

Lower maintenance costs

Low-code development offers less risk of coding errors and requires less time for maintenance and updates. Our specialists make all changes and updates in real time through drag-and-drop functionality.


You can scale your app freely without being limited by rigid templates or the need for redevelopment. The low-code solution integrates seamlessly with existing systems, allowing for the flexible addition of new features and user base expansion.

Real-time visibility

You can track the entire development process in real time to monitor task status and align project progress with your goals and timelines. 


Explore the Most Common Use Cases of Low Code Development

With Keenethis low-code development services, you get many custom solutions. Here are the main use cases.

Native mobile apps or PWAs

We offer our developers experts in all the latest innovative technologies, knowing all the nuances of low-code development. Our rich development practice shows we develop fit-for-purpose apps without traditional programming languages. Using a single platform, you get a highly secure, efficient product at hand.

Digital product transformation

First, we orient to clients' requirements to deliver a custom, versatile, and streamlined solution. We offer new sources of powering up businesses by implementing advanced technologies like AI, machine learning, and IoT. You can innovate, upgrade, and reinvent the business processes in a new way.

IoT-enable apps

We develop low-code apps that integrate with IoT platforms and third-party services, offering clients valuable insights into user experience. By hiring low-code app development from Keenethics, you can digitize customer experience based on connected devices.

Worfklow automation tools

We use low-code platforms to create automated workflows that streamline your business's modular workflows and key performance metrics. Our services help you improve accuracy in accounting, customer service, and sales automation with our automated tools built on low-code development.

UX/UI design

By using drag-and-drop tools, we design intuitive interfaces without an extensive coding process. This results in quicker adjustments, less manual coding, and iterations throughout the further development.

Full app lifecycle support

Our development team supports the entire app lifecycle from initial design to deployment. We deliver tools for monitoring, scaling, and updating apps to allow you to get more time-to-market benefits with real long-term revenues.

Check Out Our Case Studies


Find the best investment banking option.

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Book publishing platform helping you create your own book online with a competent in-house editorial team.
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A brain-training website helping you discover what your mind can do.
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Our experience: Portfolio

Why Choose Keenethics as Low Code/No Code Software Development Company?

Leading technologies and techniques

Keenethics uses top technologies and methods in low-code/no-code development. We have significant expertise in frameworks such as Node.js and React.js, which are perfect for creating comfortable web or mobile design environments. In addition, we use novel development models to ensure your project’s quality. For example, you can ask us for a minimum viable project at first to save your funds. This test version of your low-code app can help you understand if it’s a viable solution for your business.

Leading technologies and techniques

Quality and speed with Strike Force

Among the key achievements of our low-code development company is the Strike Force. What’s it? It’s a team of our senior developers who can set up the critical elements of your project within a month. With the general framework of the app/website in place, one can transition to a team of middle/junior developers. Under the guidance of our Strike Force, these specialists can provide a high-quality product at an affordable price.

Quality and speed with Strike Force

Improved ROI with UX audit

Low-code/no-code development must consider the users’ comfort. The idea behind the technology is to offer users a convenient web or mobile development space. In this regard, our company goes beyond offering low-code development services. We also provide user experience audits: by performing surveys and interviews, our specialists learn the critical needs and pain points of the users. With this knowledge, it’s possible to deliver a no-code app that satisfies non-specialists.

Improved ROI with UX audit

Motivated team

To deliver consistent results, developers must maintain strong motivation. How do we achieve this? Our company maintains the engagement of the workers by caring about their mental health. We monitor their well-being and offer interventions whenever challenges occur. This framework allows our no-code development services to enjoy a low turnover rate and no associated project delays.

Motivated team

Our Customers Say

We were impressed with Keenethics from the get-go. They really get startups and are able to work without perfect project plans – making clever and reasonable assumptions as they go and clarifying when the need arises. Great team, solid communication, and fast-paced, high-quality development. They really get startups and are able to work without perfect project plans.

Jens Munch
from the UK
Founder of Pace, a revenue management software provider

For more than three years StoryTerrace has been working with Lviv, Ukraine-based Keenethics to develop the most efficient book-creation platform in the world. Throughout that time, they have been a knowledgeable, kind, hard-working, responsive, well-organized group of developers.

Rutger Bruining
from the UK
Founder & CEO at StoryTerrace

Due to their responsiveness & patience, the collaboration itself progressed smoothly from start to finish, resulting in a high-quality product & ensuring continued engagement. Keenethics’ skill set was exactly what was needed, and despite a language difference, communications never suffered.

Mike Casey
from the USA, Georgia
Founder at BankerAdvisor, an investment banking company


What does Low-Code and No-Code development mean?

Low code is a development method that allows for designing and building apps using graphical tools and built-in functionalities that reduce manual coding. Sure, pro-code development is in high demand in the modern market. Still, low-code development offers a simplified development lifecycle for clients who wish to get quick deployment and cost-efficient resource allocation. 


No-code is a development method that allows non-technical business entrepreneurs to develop apps without technical coding expertise. 


The core difference between both development methods is the use of coding knowledge. While low-code development platforms require some basic coding skills to build or migrate the app, no-code development requires no deep expertise

What is the cost of Low-code/No-code development?

Before the project estimate is given by the development team, for you as a client, it’s critical to define the business needs and outcomes of the project. The development team should have clear requirements to analyze what problem should be solved, the target audience, and the data required for the app’s function. The cost of a low-code or no-code development project depends on its complexity. Basic apps require less developer involvement, and smaller companies may find them enough to use only the basic plan for their business needs. Bigger enterprises may require more extensive integrations into their systems and operations. At Keenethics, the Bubble developer hourly rate is $45-55. The cost for a project may range from $50 to $200 per month. 

How do low-code development services handle security, monitoring, and governance?

Unlike conventional app development, low-code and no-code development platforms are based on automatic code generation and visual programming. End-to-end encryption, role-based access controls, and regular security audits manage security in low-code platforms. It doesn’t mean your project security is zero if you hire low-code or no-code development services. By hiring proven IT specialists, you get secure processes to protect your app from breaches and cyberattacks. Since low-code and no-code development require fewer coding operations, there may be fewer errors than in conventional apps. IT specialists conduct regular audits to address threats and take agile approaches to secure the system. 


Monitoring is another key aspect of low-code and no-code development. Keenethics developers always provide real-time insights into the system’s performance and inform the citizen developers of the system’s health. We track key metrics to investigate and resolve unusual spikes in activity as soon as the app performance degrades. Through our low-code development services, we ensure the optimal functionality of your app. Our team monitors the response time, customer experience, and error rates.


Low-code frameworks are already a godsend aiming at reducing errors. Instead of working with hundreds of lines of code, business users work with interactive drag-and-drop visual interfaces. Such an approach minimizes simple mistakes and accurately represents complex info. In low-code environments, testing is done iteratively since it allows for quick test runs. If you want to test your idea fast, such a low-code development approach is sound. However, if you develop a robust app, low-code developers should implement a more formal approach to testing to ensure high quality. By identifying modules by purpose, the developers can set the modules for specific operations, some for gathering data and others for triggering some event. After testing and deployment, which takes less time than conventional development, the IT specialists can evaluate the app and offer recommendations. When all cycles are properly set, the app can be deployed.

Why are low-code/no-code platforms so used?

A recent Gartner survey shows that low-code and no-code platforms will be used in more than 65% of app developments globally by 2024. What factors drive such growth?


Low-code and no-code development offer faster development cycles. A Forrester report indicates that low-code development can produce apps up to ten times faster than traditional development methods. Businesses opt for low-code and no-code development platforms for their scalability and ability to quickly adapt to evolving market demands and business logic.


Low-code and no-code platforms significantly reduce maintenance complexity compared to traditional code-based applications, which typically require substantial upkeep. These platforms offer centralized control and visual interfaces, leading to a reported 70% decrease in company maintenance efforts, resulting in fewer late-night debugging sessions and more peace of mind. Additionally, they provide a managed and secure development environment, minimizing the risk of errors and security issues. Furthermore, low-code and no-code platforms enable effortless integration with existing systems and databases, such as CRM systems, ERP solutions, and various third-party services.

What are the advantages of hiring Low-code and No-code development from Keenethics?

By hiring low-code and no-code development services from Keenethics, you get rapid development and deployment, allowing your business to respond quickly to market changes and your requirements. We offer lower development costs and implement agile approaches for affordable low-code solutions for businesses of all sizes. We ensure your solution’s long-term performance and revenue by regularly monitoring market opportunities, competitors’ business states, and new tech standards. Keenetchis, with years of expertise in web and mobile development, offers strong security for implementing built-in security features and compliance tools to protect your solution from cybersecurity risks. Hiring our services gives you simpler data integration, more agility, better customer experience, high privacy, and reliability. Contact us to get more offers in low-code / no-code solutions and start your development journey. 

Hire Low-code/No-Code Developers

We are here to help you with a high-quality software solution. If you’re interested in low-code/no-code development, don’t hesitate to address us. How about starting with a free estimate of the project costs?

Daria Hlavcheva

Head of Partner Engagement

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