Reading time: 2 minutes
PUBLISH DATE: Aug 06 2021
UPD: Aug 06 2021
Reading time: 2 minutes
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Certification Tracking: Pitfalls and Subtleties

Tracking employees’ certifications and credentials manually can be not only time-consuming but also ineffective

Finding employees with the skills relevant to particular positions might be a difficult task. In fact, it is one of the most common problems for current small and midsize businesses. To solve this challenge, an increasing number of companies decide to provide training programs for their employees. 

Yet, another challenge arises: not all employees complete training. Thus, there has been a solution proposed: make certification mandatory. This way, businesses can ensure that their candidates or employees are suitable for a certain position. 

Tracking course completion and providing certifications are possible with certifications tracking software (CTS). Skills tracking software is undoubtedly important in specialty industries. Particularly, employees working in the healthcare field or in construction must undergo certifications. It allows them to meet compliance requirements. 

Certification tracking software helps you manage your business more effectively. To be more precise, it helps create, manage and afterward track certificates of your employees

There are many fields that require employees to own certain certifications. For instance, in the medical field, employees are usually obliged to complete various certifications throughout their entire careers. 

This means such type of software will help store and manage all employee certifications. 


Before purchasing certification tracking software, try to distinguish what type of buyer you are. In general, there are two types of buyers interested in the certification tracking software. 

Buyers Interested in Compliance Management

If you fall into this particular category, you seek to maintain a detailed record of employee certifications. In such cases, it is necessary to look for tools which can have certain functionalities. For example, an opportunity to track the certifications of all employees working in a specific company. 

In addition, such buyers expect their employees to be able to use self-service portals. This means they have to be able to submit their certificates for management approval without any obstacles. 

Moreover, there is a necessity to implement automated notifications features for such buyers. This way, employees will be notified in case their certifications expire. Obviously, this is a convenient feature both for buyers and employees.  

Buyers Interested in Employee Certification Training Programs

Such buyers expect to have the whole package for compliance management functionalities. The buyer of this type wants to create training programs and issue certifications once they complete such training. 


Despite the fact that certification tracking software offers numerous opportunities for business, there are some pitfalls of the given type of software. Apart from enhancing your company’s or organization’s learning and development programs, this type of software might be ineffective once something is done wrong

Thus, you should consider a few points before or while dealing with certification tracking software. 

On the whole, the tool you choose strongly depends on the industry you work in and the budget, of course. 


Educational institutions require certification tracking software for multiple reasons. The main reason, in fact, refers to the need of creating certifications for students. Besides, such a necessity is also relevant for learners studying in independent learning centers

Yet, there is an opportunity to opt for an online course platform that would issue a certification for your learners. The given opportunity is especially helpful in the times of Covid-19 when an increasing number of learners study remotely. In case you prioritize the training of learners, it is necessary to choose a learning management system which would include certification tracking and built-in functionality. 


Here, the price of certificate tracking software depends on the solution you seek. For example, they might relate to a cloud-based or on-premise solution.

If you expect users to pay on a regular basis (a monthly or annual fee), you should opt for a cloud-based solution. Unlike on-premise solution vendors, the first type of solution is perfect primarily for those buyers who have a limited budget. 

The Main Perks of Using Employee Certification Tracking Software

Implementing a certificate management system has a number of advantages. Some of them are the following:

What you eventually receive when you decide to choose certification tracking software:

  • Organized employee certificates. You will be able to connect all certifications to each of the employees of your business. 
  • Regular notifications and reminders. Managers and employees will receive certification expiration notifications. 
  • Archive. Any type of employee certification will be stored in one repository.
  • Security. Only some people in your organization will be able to access the repository. 

To Wrap Up

A certification tracking system will be beneficial for your business in case you want to check whether employees are compliant. Nowadays, tracking employee certifications and credentials manually is not only time-consuming but also ineffective.

Don’t waste your time tracking data about the accomplishments of your employees manually. Instead, save your time and focus on things that are more important for your business. 

One of the solutions is to store the certifications of your employees in one place by using employee certification tracking software. In case you seek some assistance in implementing the right tools for your business, our employees can help you create easy-to-use certification management software. Contact us, and we will offer you the best possible solutions for your business.  

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Daria Hlavcheva
Daria Hlavcheva
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