
Agriculture Drone Software Development

Agriculture works with assets that are difficult to monitor: fields are often too extensive to have a definitive understanding of crop health through manual tools. Modern agriculture drone software development may finally offer a solution to this problem. Using drones, you can enjoy a bird's-eye view of your core assets and even automatic management of certain processes.

Agriculture Drone Software Development Service We Offer

Our company, Keenethics, has a capability to develop multiple types of agriculture drone software. Here are some core types of software you can ask our company to develop.
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Drone map programming for agriculture

In order to work autonomously, drones have to feature a clear set of instructions. One of the best ways to program those instructions is to tie them to modern map technologies. Through features such as GPS, a drone should be able to move in a predefined area without major divergences. The core problem is that map programming is a rather complex field that includes many complex APIs. In this regard, you can be sure that Keenethics will offer top assistance to you. We have experience of working on map technologies for multiple products. Consequently, our company brings more than sufficient skills to include high-quality map programming into your drone software. More importantly, we’re more than capable of making it as customizable as possible, increasing the long-term adaptability of the solutions in question.

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Software for aerial imaging of fields

A core problem with agriculture is the difficulty of making an adequate assessment of field health. In the majority of cases, the relevant decision-makers have to make inferences based on a certain sample of plants rather than on the analysis of the whole field. While this approach makes sense in the majority of cases, it can also lead to incorrect predictions about field yield in certain situations. In this respect, drones with tools like thermal recognition can act as a perfect solution to the outlined problem. Their core benefit is the ability to fly over a field and offer tools for a full-scale analysis of its state. You can use a live video feed to analyze them in real time, or utilize advanced photographs with various filters to see if there are any other negative trends. This technology ultimately offers an opportunity for better decision-making, as it provides information of higher quality to the decision-makers than in the past. 

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Drone integration into complex smart farm systems

Many agriculture businesses are investing into the full-scale smart-farm systems these days. What’s the core reason for those investments? Firstly, a growing shortage of labor on the market that occurs due to the structural changes in the economy. Secondly, a drive to boost the quality and quantity of yields. Smart farm technologies remove many tedious tasks associated with traditional agriculture, allowing agriculture experts to focus on the more complex issues. For instance, they automate watering and even some aspects of crop collection. In this light, drone systems are a technology that can greatly enhance the farms in question. Apart from observation tasks, they are also capable of sprinkling auxiliary substances and even controlling certain aspects of farm management through the use of AI-based software. If you have a smart farm system, you can address Keenethics to add drones into the overall framework.

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Data processing solutions for drone software

Drones are capable of collecting tremendous amounts of data. As a result, a major reason to hire an agriculture software company is to process the information in question. A major problem encountered by agriculture companies in the past was the inability to analyze all incoming information. Modern computer tools are notable for their ability to finally do this. They can not only read the relevant figures but also connect them to produce new advanced insights. In short, there’s an opportunity to use the so-called Big Data, which arises from the combination of smaller insights. Keenethics has experience of developing Big Data products and, hence, can use this knowledge to advance analytics software capable of implementing those features in the agriculture sector.

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Drone-based livestock management

Livestock management shares a very similar problem with the more general agriculture. There are many assets and they’re spread over large territories. This aspect creates a danger of losing some of them or failing to take certain aspects of livestock management into consideration. Considering all this, drone software may represent a perfect solution to the problems of the presented field. How exactly can drones help? Above all, by simplifying the task of observing the livestock. Now, finding lost cattle is easier and, as a result, one person can control more herds than in the past. Agriculture software development, in this case, is beneficial because it simplifies the work of the relevant specialists and, more importantly, minimizes the potential losses of core resources.

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Tools for crop health analysis

Drones are notable for their capability to collect tremendous amounts of information about the state of various fields. Instead of analyzing a small sample, they can offer you an overarching view. However, collecting information isn’t sufficient. You also need to process it to maximize the value of your decision-making. In this regard, a vital tool to consider is the usage of crop health analysis software. Keenethics, once again, has sufficient experience when it comes to developing such agriculture drone software solutions because we’ve developed agriculture frameworks like My Grass Growth, which offer high-quality analytics solutions to the relevant decision-makers.

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Drone-based yield analysis software

Data collected from all types of drones can be used for one more task: it allows predicting yield from certain fields. In this case, two types of predictions are possible. Firstly, you can collect predictions based on current information by analyzing the existing state of the fields. Secondly, there’s also an opportunity to collect data in the long term, creating advanced predictive models that encompass information from several years of observation. Keenethics has created many types of custom software capable of such advanced analytics. We’re, thus, confident when it comes to developing an advanced custom drone software that assists with yield analysis in both real-time and long-term scenarios.

Why Choose Keenethics as an Agriculture Drone Software Development Company?

Experience in the agriculture sector

The first reason to work with Keenethics in agriculture drone software development is the experience of our company in the agriculture sector. We’ve completed projects like My Grass Growth, meaning that our experts have significant experience when it comes to agriculture. More importantly, we worked with many manufacturing projects, which involve complex sensors. This means that the creation of, for example, drone agriculture mapping software is a task that we’re well-positioned to do. In short, Keenethics combines experience in agriculture and technology integration into the production sector. This experience is more than sufficient to enable the creation of advanced agriculture software.

Experience in the agriculture sector

Long-term experience of software development

Keenethics as a company also has major experience regarding the development market in general. In our opinion, it’s not sufficient to have knowledge of developing software for agriculture alone. Every project differs and, as a result, it’s not only the sector experience that matters, but also the general capability to adapt. Why is Keenethics one of the best companies for drone agriculture software? The reason is simple: we have more than eight years of experience in the general software development market. Our teams have developed dozens of software tools for diverging companies and have upgraded many other projects in fields like finance, manufacturing, and education. In this light, we’re ready to tackle even the most unconventional projects in the agriculture drone software development market.

Long-term experience of software development

Major attention to mental health

Our company also makes major investments into monitoring the mental health of the software experts and ensuring their happiness. No worker is capable of being efficient if they feel miserable and burnt-out. For this reason, our Mental Health Officer communicates with all employees monthly to monitor their well-being and offer long-term advice on its maintenance. Why is this vital? Our attention to mental health leads to better expert productivity, minimizing negative effects such as large turnover. Consequently, we have stable teams that continuously upgrade their experience in the sectors like agriculture software development.

Major attention to mental health

Agriculture Software Solutions from Keenethics

Farm Management Software Development
Farming is the backbone of modern civilization. For this reason, competition in the field is high: its market is among the most stable in the world. Keenethics can help you with developing farm management solutions that will help with navigating this competition-driven environment and fulfilling a vital social mission of agriculture, improving food security across the world.
Livestock Management Software Development
Livestock is a central part of many farming businesses. For this reason, it’s beneficial to use custom livestock management solutions. They are vital for improving the efficiency of using your ranch resources.
Aquaculture Management Software Development
Aquaculture firms face a market that is constantly growing: more and more people showcase demand for fish and various types of algae in their diets due to their positive health effects. In this light, the best way to capture larger markets in the long term is to offer more products at a lower price. Custom aquaculture software development is among the best ways to upgrade an average fish farm management system.
AI Copilot Development for Agriculture
Agriculture is a field in which managers have to consider tremendous amounts of information. AI is a technology that allows analyzing large masses of data, creating high-quality actionable insights. Learn how you can combine modern AI algorithms via an agriculture copilot system to advance your business.
Greenhouse Climate Control Software Development
Many agricultural businesses rely on a system of greenhouses to produce certain products. The core goal one must aim at with those systems is the accurate maintenance of the microclimate. You can address Keenethics to develop greenhouse control software, which optimizes climate management through advanced automation tools.

Success Stories

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