The main reason to choose Keenethics as a real estate MLS development company has to do with our strong knowledge of the real-estate market. In this respect, Keenethics helped with creating multiple real estate tools. They include projects like Ruuster and Real Estate Management Project, which offer their users a set of reliable software solutions. These projects are multifaceted: they include a combination of MLS, property management, and even real estate valuation software, proving our advanced expertise in this field.

Real Estate MLS Software Development
MLS Software Development Opportunities We Offer
MLS mobile app development
Integrating an MLS into other systems
MLS web software
MLS UI/UX creation
MLS app implementation
MLS maintenance services
AI integration for MLS
Companies That Need Real-Estate MLS Software
Key Features of MLS Software
Easy search
The first reason to consider investments into MLS software solutions is undoubtedly the ease of search. Our company can help you create tools that will assist with finding all the vital information about certain properties through small prompts. This feature is central to a multiple listing service because it allows navigating gigantic lists of various properties.
Calculators for mortgages and rents
One more MLS solution we recommend focusing on are calculators for mortgages and rents. In many cases, customers don’t have enough money to buy a particular property. Instead, they may want to rent it or, for example, buy it via a mortgage. In such situations, having a calculator that will immediately indicate the long-term price of such investments is essential. Keenethics knows how to develop those features in custom MLS software and has already implemented them successfully on multiple occasions.
Agent search features
In certain cases, it may also be highly beneficial to search for various agents. The reasons for this need are diverging. On the one hand, certain managers are responsible for particular properties sometimes. It will be possible to clearly outline the assigned zones via this model. On the other hand, MLS solutions for buyers agents can also include their rating. In this case, real estate MLS software development can help with grading the agents and assigning the best specialists to the most difficult tasks.
Client management portal
One of the best was to optimize our real estate is focusing on client management portals. Why is this the case? In many cases, real estate management experts have to work with a large number of clients. Consequently, the main problem of the encounter is properly orienting in the large audiences they have to work with. Custom MLS solutions are especially vital in this regard because they can help our company incorporate some unique characteristics of the customers that ma be obscure to off-the-shelf producers on the market.
Analytics frameworks
A major reason to consider custom MLS solutions is undoubtedly the opportunity to engage in all types of analytics. For example, you can use our MLS software development service to integrate AI into your services that will help your property management software to collect data and transform it into valuable long-term insights. Why should one consider the services of companies like Keenethics? Above all, custom MLS software development will allow you to integrate technologies and calculations not available on the other markets.
Agent management
Many property-oriented companies have to work with a tremendous number of real estate agents and brokers. In this light, tracking and managing all of them can be a real challenge for a real estate business. How to work with this type of real estate data? The best option is to consider custom MLS software. Keenethics can add features for managing your agents (for instance, by analyzing their pay grade according to performance) and searching for them via high-quality, comfortable tools.
Contract management
One more feature that an MLS software development service can develop is contract management. In this regard, the feature is essential because the majority of the property management businesses on the market have to sign some contracts at a certain point of their work. Why use custom software then? Every company in the real estate industry works in slightly different conditions. For example, one state may have very different laws in comparison to another. In this situation, MLS real estate software developed by a custom software firm like Keenethics is likely to be very helpful because it’ll help speed up the process of filling in various documents.
Our Real Estate MLS Software Development Process
Why Choose Keenethics For Real Estate MLS Software Development?
Major experience in real estate project development

Major software market expertise
Apart from the real estate market and MLS development, we also have expertise in many other fields. They include sectors such as healthcare, manufacturing, HR, and finance. Therefore, you can address our real estate MLS development firm to not only create solutions for the aforementioned sector but also for many other markets. Our portfolio showcases projects in multiple vital fields outside of real estate.

UI/UX expertise
Keenethics helped analyze a tremendous number of projects from the standpoint of their UI/UX usability. In this respect, we can analyze your project, too. More importantly, this information means that we have genuinely advanced knowledge in terms of enhancing the usability of various projects. Therefore, you can address us to upgrade the UI/UX aspects of functioning in your firm, too.

Other Real Estate Solutions That We Can Build for You
Success Stories
What does MLS software stand for?
What benefits does this software offer?
The benefits are obvious. Firstly, it helps visualize the properties, assisting in fast choices. Secondly, it offers full information about particular objects, maximizing the positive impacts through a focus on search functions that minimize the amount of time you need per search.
What benefits does AI in MLS offer?
AI in MLS systems is essentially for streamlining the search process. For example, it can engage in finding certain location or summarize information about certain properties. In short, it’s a great tool for enhancing all types of search functions in modern real estate businesses.
Can MLS software be integrated into other types of software?
Yes. It’s possible to integrate an MLS into ERPs or other types of property software. All you need to do is have the relevant source code or some other development tools (for instance, instruments for add-on creation).
Why should I use custom solutions over off-the-shelf ones?
There are two reasons to use custom solutions over off-the-shelf ones. Firstly, custom solutions are fully under your control: you have complete ownership over them. Secondly and more importantly, custom solutions are notable for being more flexible. You can add features that are necessary to your firm, and not to anyone else’s.
How much does it cost to develop an MLS?
It’s impossible to offer exact numbers without knowing all the relevant details about the app you want to develop. Consequently, everything depends on the requirements you have. In this regard, the best way to find out the cost of an MLS is to contact some experts and find out the exact costs through a thorough analysis.
What’s the average development time for MLS software?
Average development time for MLS software, once again, depends on your needs. Small and medium apps can take between one and three months. Larger apps can require a year or more. The best way to find out the average development time is to contact our experts and communicate with them. At the same time, we should note that our development methods are unique in terms of speed because we actively use no-code solutions. Through their application, we manage to shorten the development time by up to 40%.