Keenethics has been developing various products in the manufacturing field for more than 8 years. This means we possess experience in creating high-quality business solutions for diverse customers. Regarding supply chain operations, for example, we’ve helped create diverging procurement products. We also have experience creating CAM and inventory management frameworks. In this light, we can safely say that we’ll be able to create solutions for all imaginable supply chain operations.

Supply Chain Software Development Services
Our Expertise in SCM Software Development
Key Features of SCM Software
SCM Software Development Challenges
SCM integration involves numerous challenges. Let’s review them and the ways to upgrade modern supply chain activities.
The issue of data integration also involves business in general. Various companies use different standards for their information. This means a proprietary solution can easily lead to major problems with information compatibility.
Custom solutions exist to solve this problem. When creating your supply chain framework, you can ask Keenethics to consider the solutions your business partners are using. Our developers will ensure that the app we develop is compatible with their inventory frameworks.
Supply Chain Software Development Process
1. Understanding requirements
We analyze your collaboration needs to create a strong basis for your app.
2. Developing the solution
At this stage, we create your solution and test it based on the requirements analysis.
3. Implementing the app
We help install your SCM app and optimize it according to user experience.
4. Supporting the solution
The Keenethics team helps update your solution according to post-development requirements.
Case Studies
Our development solutions full-cycle method
Why Choose Keenethics as a Supply Chain Development Partner?
Major expertise in supply chain development
The Keenethics team has helped develop multiple supply chain management software solutions as well as some high-quality manufacturing apps. Consequently, you can rely on our team when creating a new framework for your company. So, what are some of the solutions we’ve helped develop? Firstly, we’re proud to assist the GetPart team with creating its solution for part procurement and supply management, which helps many companies with warehouse operations and shipment tracking. Secondly, we’ve also helped upgrade ToolSense, a highly innovative solution for the supply chain industry, which combines real-time insights with custom supply chain software. In short, we know how to create solutions aimed at improving supply chains.

Advanced UI/UX knowledge
The Keenethics team also has major UI/UX development knowledge. When it comes to supply chain management software, a proper UI/UX can represent a major competitive advantage. Why is this the case? Most supply chain management apps heavily rely on real-time tracking. The problem is that the collection of real-time data still has to be done at least partially by humans. Modern workforces are diverse: there are people of different ages and with diverging types of expertise. In this light, an advanced but non-user-friendly system can simply exclude certain individuals from business processes. The best way to avoid this concern is to create interfaces that are as friendly to the average user as possible. By using them, you’ll avoid the potential risks of incorrect data input.

Appropriate tech stack
A big aspect of success for any app is its tech stack. An appropriate tech stack can ensure that your supply chain management software works without major delays. In turn, an inappropriate one can slow down demand forecasting and, in the end, disrupt your business efficiency. Ultimately, Keenethics uses software that is optimal for developing custom supply chain solutions. Our dedicated team develops via a combination of JavaScript-based technologies such as Node.js and no-code solutions, which guarantee fast development and, at the same time, great flexibility in terms of scope.

Motivated team with our mental health program
When working with Keenethics, a supply chain management software development company, you hire a keen team of dedicated web developers. Our Mental Health Officer monitors each employee’s mental state to ensure happiness, drive, and loyalty. Our employee satisfaction checkups ensure low employee turnover and no associated project delays during the supplier management program development.

Other Development Services We Offer for Manufacturing Industry
Custom ERP Software Development Services
Our awards
Our customers say
Decrease your labor costs with a new custom SCM framework.
Keenethics, a supply chain software development company, knows how to create high-quality solutions for manufacturing businesses.
What Is SCM?
What are the Benefits of Supply Chain Software Development?
We believe there’s a large number of benefits for an average team. Here are some of the top aspects to consider:
• Increased Efficiency
• Enhanced Visibility
• Improved Decision-Making (real-time)
• Cost Reduction
• Better Collaboration
What software is used in the supply chain?
Everything greatly depends on the needs of a particular business. Some of the top solutions include the following elements:
• Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software
• Warehouse Management System (WMS)
• Transportation Management System (TMS)
• Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) Software
• Demand Planning Software
How long does it take for you to build SCM software?
Everything depends on the project complexity. Smaller projects require two to three months of development. Larger ones can require a year or more. Usually, SCM software is rather complex, so you should expect a longer development time than for other types of software. Ultimately, the best way to learn the time requirements is to contact specialists. In this regard, you can ask Keenethics to provide a high-quality review of your business requirements and offer a realistic project estimate.
How much does it cost to develop a Supply Chain Management software?
Once again, everything depends on the specific business demands. The longer the development process takes, the more expensive a project will be. Our company offers great solutions for decreasing those expenditures. For instance, we practice synergetic development, which combines no-code and JavaScript solutions, to decrease development costs by 30 to 40%.