PUBLISH DATE: Jul 13 2022
UPD: Dec 11 2024
Reading time: 5 minutes

11 Reasons to Hire Ukrainian Software Developers for IT Outsourcing in 2023 

What are the benefits of hiring local programmers? Let’s find out.

It’s a great idea to hire Ukrainian developers. All companies have to hire outsourcers for their tech stack projects. The approach is crucial to completing some important projects. Sometimes, you may need experts who would work on specific problems. Hiring a whole team for that goal is not rational. Having some freelancers work on it is, instead, a perfect option. This article gives key reasons: you’ll learn why the local programmers are highly valuable, in our opinion, hiring them is one of the best ideas due to competitive rates and professionalism.

Today’s Situation in the Software Development Industry 


Current situation in the software development industry is positive for employers. In 2021, Ukrainian software development market saw a 20% growth and rose to 6 billion dollar valuation. Now, Ukraine is the 5th biggest outsourcing country. Indeed, the country currently suffers from Russian aggression. Still, many professionals remain and are extremely willing to take jobs. Software development is popular. Thus, you can easily find a software development team on the Internet for some complex projects. Even senior developers are no longer rare today. More importantly, companies feature access to dedicated teams both in developed and developing countries. This arrangement gives a large number of options for choosing professionals with tech skills. The overall structure also plays a role: businesses can hire individual developers to close gaps in some teams and big groups of workers to do whole projects. 

Top 11 Reasons to Hire Ukrainian Developers 

A potent idea is to hire Ukrainian developers. They offer many strengths that can benefit your company. Let’s look at the 11 main reasons to hire Ukrainians. 


Ukraine offers one of the most extensive outsourcing markets for IT

The first reason to consider Ukraine is the sheer scope of choice. Ukrainian Software Developers have countless skills. Do you want to hire developers in Ukraine who know Node.js? Ukraine is a perfect market for this goal. Do you intend to focus on Python development? Ukrainian developers who deal with this language are numerous too. More importantly, customers have a choice between companies and freelancers. Varying businesses focus on software development outsourcing in Ukraine. The assessments of the markets’ scope are impressive. Ukraine features 200000 developers. Ukraine invests greatly in software development. Consequently, the number of Ukrainian developers will grow in the upcoming years. Even the current political events are unlikely to change the situation. Many people see an alternative to migration in IT. This disposition will make the market even more promising soon. 

Great location and time zone 

Ukraine’s location is great. It’s situated in Eastern Europe. Ukrainian software developers can thus contact their European customers easily. The time lag is only 1-2 hours for France and Italy. Meeting those people in person is simple too. A Ukrainian software developer can reach many locations in Western Europe fast. As for the U.S., the situation is also great. Many locations have time overlap with Ukraine. The daytime window of 2-3 hours gives a chance to contact the software developers in Ukraine comfortably. If you have ever worked with European countries, the situation is unlikely to change. Outsourcing in Ukraine is a great idea. 

Strong culture compatibility 

Ukraine features a fully European nation. Ukrainian culture and art are influenced by Western Europe (Germany and Austria had a big impact). Ukraine features strong connections to Eastern Europe (i.e., Poland). This position creates a great business opportunity for Americans and Europeans as local communication skills prevent many communication issues. Software developers in Ukraine have a similar culture. Ukrainians watch similar videos and read the same books as their international clients. Most developers can understand references to Game of Thrones or Friends. Many individuals have a strong knowledge of English. Finding a way to communicate with Ukrainian developers is easy. Considering that the U.S. and Europe are popular in Ukraine, many people are also willing to learn about their cultures. Any problems with compatibility don’t need much effort for resolution after the hiring process.

Great education system

Ukrainian education is potent. 

  • Firstly, it follows the Soviet legacy. Despite all its faults, the country had a large industrial capacity and planned to make big investments in IT in the 1980s. Hence, college instructors who understand microelectronics and software are numerous. 

  • Secondly, Ukraine combines the European and Soviet methods, producing a strong learning framework. On the one hand, Ukrainian software developers get more and more practice. On the other hand, a lot of attention to theory is present. If you want to find people who understand math and computing well, Ukrainian developers can deliver. 

  • Many universities also don’t take away the entire day for studies after the second year. A common practice for many software developers is to start working at the age of 19-20 years (Ukrainians begin college at the age of 17-18 years, contrary to European countries) in IT outsourcing within Ukraine. By their 30s, they have already become industry veterans with gigantic experience.

Ukrainians have a strong understanding of tech

Ukrainians are a nation that pays significant attention to technology. Almost all citizens have personal computers and smartphones. Fast Internet is cheap. Hence, the culture of strong respect for technology and intellectual property protection is evident among Ukrainian engineers. Even non-programmers have potent computer skills. The availability of tech, obviously, pushes people to software development. Ukrainian software outsourcing relies on individuals who are true enthusiasts. They follow every technological trend. The aforementioned education also has a strong impact. If you choose IT outsourcing in Ukraine, finding people who know electronics in-depth is simple. Ukrainian developers are both well-educated and enthusiastic. Their goal is to create a truly innovative country.

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Strong English skills

Many Ukrainian developers are quite good at English. We can note two trends here. 

  • Firstly, Ukrainian IT culture is West-oriented. People who enter it learn many Western concepts. Prior to becoming dedicated developers in software development within Ukraine many people spent their early years on the Internet and computer games, which are full of English. 

  • Secondly, Ukraine invests much into learning English. Schools offer at least basic knowledge. Many parents take matters into their hands and hire personal tutors. 

  • Lastly, Ukrainian tech companies make big investments. Many businesses have in-house teachers. Is English knowledge in Ukraine perfect? Obviously, it isn’t. Still, you can expect that most IT specialists would understand your messages. The active focus on learning gives an additional boon: many Ukrainians are eager to work with foreigners to improve their English.

Help Ukrainians maintain their economy

The current situation for Ukrainians is rough. The unjust Russian invasion of Ukraine puts tremendous strain on the country’s economy. Many companies lose funds and close down. Due to rises in prices, many people who remain at work don’t have their usual living standards. If the war continues for more than one year, almost all of the population will become impoverished. Many Western companies have a strong ethical component. They want to help people. Hiring a Ukrainian software developer is a way to show one’s ethics. Even small contracts can help Ukrainian companies preserve their workforce. Many Ukrainians are also donating and volunteering a lot. You can expect that the funds you pay won’t go to waste. Investments in a Ukrainian outsourcing company represent a perfect way to showcase your social responsibility. If you want to find more information, here’s our article on the company measures to support Ukraine.

Great balance between working hours and rest

Ukraine currently has a strong labor code. Officially, Ukrainian software engineers can expect 40-hour work weeks and 11 paid time off holidays. This balance is great. On the one hand, Ukrainian developers don’t have much overwork. Their long-term productivity remains strong due to good rest. On the other hand, Ukrainians have a limited number of holidays. Therefore, Ukrainian software developers uptime is high. Generally, these values are on a European level. Most developers won’t take more time off than their counterparts in other countries. Ukrainian context, thus, gives you an opportunity to plan the key activities without taking any cultural differences into consideration. Yes, Ukrainians would celebrate some things on unique dates. However, they’re not numerous and don’t overlap with the important days in America or Europe. More importantly, many individuals are fully willing to think about interests and choose day-offs that fit their needs.

Ukrainians are fast learners

Ukraine has a very strong learning culture. Due to external factors, many people seek education to survive. Therefore, Ukrainians are ready to dedicate a lot of time to learning. Many software developers in Ukraine can learn something fast simply because they dedicate more time to studying than their colleagues. The aforementioned education system plays a big role in the country too. Many individuals learn computing theory in-depth. Even though many Ukrainians are critical of the system, it gives them an important advantage: their basic understanding of IT soft skills is good. Consequently, the process of learning some novel technology becomes simple. Having proper knowledge of computing and mathematical principles, Ukrainians can quickly understand the basics of the key tech. Besides, the speed of learning benefits from a large number of communications spaces available to local specialists. Apart from English websites, they can visit many Ukrainian resources that provide many interesting options. Thus, your team of developers would be able to benefit from a large number of information sources.

The work culture in Ukraine is great

“If you want to be rich in your senior years, be ready to work a lot in your youth,” one of the Ukrainian proverbs says. That’s a motto that countless Ukrainians have in mind while working. Young people 20 years ago were ready to work 12-14 hours a day in countries such as Italy and Poland to feed their families. Their children and relatives now enter the IT business environment, funded by the tremendous sacrifice of the parents. A clear understanding of the difficulty money-making presents is evident in the country. Ukrainians value their work and the funds they earn there. Thus, their work culture is great. Many people are willing to be very efficient and even do extra work if it’s necessary. A large number of developers don’t work for one software development company but also do some freelance jobs. Many people are investing in improving their time management. Seeing some books about methods such as Getting Things Done is a normal occurrence. All in all, many young and even older Ukrainians feel that they need to help their country become rich. Thus, their work-related abilities are genuinely great.

Price/Quality is perfect 

All this information mentioned allows saying that Ukrainians offer a perfect balance between price and quality. An average person working for Ukrainian tech companies is usually a well-educated and hard-working person. Their education is on the same level as in Europe and America. More importantly, developers are usually highly motivated people who strive to know more and more. At the same time, the price for their services is not as high as you may expect. For instance, current statistics indicate that middle software engineers usually earn between 2000 and 2500 dollars monthly (24000-30000 U.S. dollars per year). A senior gets between 3500 and 4000 dollars in the country. Since many developers in the U.S., for example, expect to earn 100000 dollars and beyond, the situation is great. For the rather low hourly rate, a Ukrainian software developer can get a high-middle class lifestyle in their country. The cost of living in Ukraine is low; therefore, most developers would be happy to go for the options mentioned above. Most likely, hiring Ukrainians is the best choice for all businesses. 

Hire Software Developers from Ukraine


All in all, outsourcing in Ukraine is a great idea. Specialists there don’t have many cultural differences. Their work ethic is great. Education and motivation for learning are tremendous, considering a high level of patriotism in society. The price you pay offers you a level of quality that is European in nature. Besides, if you hire Ukrainian software developers, your business can expect improvements in its reputation. Today, Ukraine is under heavy attack. Helping its people is essential. Modern businesses in Europe and America have a chance to save many lives in the country by offering Ukrainians jobs. In short, the reasons to consider a software developer who comes from Ukraine are significant. We believe almost every company would benefit from working with specialists from this European country.

FAQ about Software Developers in Ukraine

What ways to work with Ukrainian developers exist?

We believe two models are strong regarding software development outsourcing in Ukraine.
Firstly, you can try to find a developer from Ukraine via an online freelancing platform. Many people register on Western platforms; you can communicate with them whenever it is convenient for you.
Secondly, a good idea is to contact local outsourcing companies. Our company, Keenethics, offers many strong options, for example.

Why is Keenethics a good option for hiring software developers?

Keenethics is a great option because the company works with a large number of developers and has significant experience in the Ukrainian context. We have significant knowledge of diverging development platforms, such as Node.js. Therefore, we can also provide the clients with relevant advice on the usage of the platform.

What is the cost of a software developer in Ukraine?

An average middle software developer has an income of 2000-2500 dollars per month. Obviously, this sum can get bigger for individuals who are close to becoming senior specialists. Generally, the prices for Ukrainian software developers on the market are lower than in the case of the U.S. or Europe.

How to hire a specialist in Ukraine?

Do you still have doubts as for hiring a specialist in Ukraine?

We believe almost every company would benefit from working with specialists from this European country. However, if you need help, we can respond to every issue.

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