PUBLISH DATE: Jan 19 2021
UPD: Feb 21 2025
Reading time: 3 minutes
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Keenethics: Our Ethical Dimension

Who is and what is behind the scenes of the Keenethics brand? Let’s take a look at Keenethics values, our team, and the history of our company’s name together.

Keenethics: Our Ethical Dimension

Keenethics Team

Keenethics is a team of 49 people devoted to the goal of empowering businesses with end-to-end software development. We deliver elegant and modern design services and solutions to improve the daily business processes of our clients. Keenethics is based in Ukraine and locally represented in the Netherlands and the US. In 2015, we started with a small team but managed to grow our company several times and earn more than 20 long-term partners. We are proud to fulfill our mission daily and increase the number of satisfied and happy clients all over the globe.

Each member of our team is a unique personality with a story to share, a keen interest in personal and professional development, and a passionate approach to work. Here at Keenethics, we cultivate a pleasant work atmosphere and friendliness. What’s our secret to success? I would say, “We work only with people who mirror our worldview and share our life philosophy. And that’s the most important thing.”

Quality, efficient communication, ethical attitude to all the parties involved, sustainability, support of those in need, and open source are the fundamentals of Keenethics. We take a proactive position in the question of changing the world for the better. As a part of our strategy, we launched the Let Kids Move movement. It’s aimed to make students’ time-spending at school more dynamic and healthier. The most precious thing about the project is that everyone can join us and help make the future of our kids happier. Let’s change the world together! 

Our Brand Name: Where Did It Come from?

Most software development agencies choose a company name that somehow relates to the line of business they are in. By doing so, they acquaint their target audience with their areas of focus. When it comes to our company, it’s not that simple. You might have wondered what “Keenethics” has in common with software. And I am here to tell you a story of how our brand name was born.

Why did we decide to create our own company? Having worked with several agencies, we have noticed some inefficiencies in the way they run business. We were convinced that the attitude to a customer should be different from what it was in most companies. So, having a clear vision was the first step on our way to establishing our own community.

In the course of cooperation with other businesses, we defined and analyzed the areas that could be improved to make both the client’s impression and the company’s image better. Soon, we came to the conclusion that there were plenty of changes we could bring to the industry to make software development more efficient. Particularly, we desired to make remote software design more keen and ethical.

The next question that we asked ourselves was, “How will clients call us? What associations will come to their minds while hearing our company’s name?” Choosing a title that would represent our vision was a tough nut to crack. We brainstormed and came up with a list of over 60 titles for any taste: sophisticated and simple, serious and hilarious, unusual, and quite common within the industry. After that, each of us removed the ones they found to be somewhat excessive or controversial. We took the rest of the variants in our list and gave them to a native speaker — just to make sure that they are free of bias.

And the last step was to decide upon the final name together. Eventually, out of 60 options, we were left with the one and only “Keenethics.” Why did this name stick in our minds? Because of its powerful meaning. As you see, our company’s name consists of two words: “Keen” and “Ethics.” “Keen” stands for curiosity and enthusiasm, while “Ethics” signifies our primary mission of making the business world more honest, transparent, and ethical.

Values We Cultivate

A brand name is worth nothing if it doesn’t reflect a company’s principles and deeds. So, it’s the best time to tell you more about our values that differentiate us from others.

  • Ethical Attitude to Partners

We highly value people who choose to trust us with their projects, who rely upon us with their issues, and who believe in our solutions. We strive to make our communication with the partners fully transparent in the pursuit of strengthening our relationships and proving our trustworthiness and dependability. We are absolutely honest about the resources we use throughout the project, the challenges we face, and the opportunities we offer. In turn, we expect our clients to be truthful and understanding.

  • Ethical Attitude to Team Members

We highly value our pool of talents and make sure that each person feels not as an employee but as a team member. The atmosphere in our office is always friendly and warm, our routine is varied in social events and hackathons. Birthday greetings and celebrations, parties, and outings are also important constituents of our corporate culture. We always care about our office environment and make sure that every team member enjoys the time they spend with their colleagues.

Of course, under pandemic conditions, we see our team members’ health and safety as top priorities. That’s why we strictly follow all pandemic restrictions and care not only about the physical well-being of our employees but also about their mental well-being. To make remote work effective and pleasant, we regularly take all the necessary measures. One-to-one meetings with our mental health specialist, regular video conferences (both formal and informal ones), and various online events help our team members maintain work motivation and stay connected. 

  • Sustainability

Keenethics is deeply concerned about the environmental changes that happen because of human activity on Earth. We are aware of climate issues and fully understand the responsibility for this human-made problem we ought to shoulder. Keenethics is also convinced that every little bit helps. And even though our small contribution may not prevent global warming, it is still a step worth taking.

With this intent, we sort and recycle wastes, promote the idea of reusable bottles and containers among our team members, and encourage everyone to look for an alternative to a personal car as a means of transport. We also welcome projects that aim to reduce adverse effects on the environment, and we are extremely happy each time our software solutions can help.

  • Support for Vulnerable Groups and Promotion of Tech4Good

We understand that not everyone was fortunate enough to be born in a loving family, to obtain a proper education, and to find a well-paid job. Marginalized groups have no opportunity to satisfy their most immediate needs, and it is a civic responsibility and a moral duty of every decent citizen to help those people in their hardship. We support a number of social projects dedicated to helping orphans, senior citizens, sick kids, and impoverished people. We are also concerned with animals and help shelters care for homeless dogs and cats. Since St. Nicholas Day is one of those holidays that Ukrainian kids are most waiting for, every winter, we help volunteers collect presents for orphans and children from necessitous families.

Moreover, we support the Tech4Good movement and regularly socialize the stories of remarkable Tech4Good leaders. Unfortunately, we’ve had no access to a number of our volunteering activities because of the pandemic. But helping others should have no limits. That’s why Keenethics decided to dedicate the year 2020 to the promotion of Tech4Good in our blog. In this way, we help the Tech4Good movement find more followers, volunteers, and contributors. In our recent article, you can learn more about our achievements in this area. 

  • Healthy Lifestyle and Knowledge-Sharing

Our team consists of various people, each with a broad outlook and a unique attitude to life. Here at Keenethics, we have vegans and vegetarians, people obsessed with sports and outdoor activities. Our employees have an opportunity to work at stand-up desks in order to reduce the amount of time they spend sitting. Besides, our corporate parties and celebrations are always alcohol-free because we care about the health and believe that having fun goes better while being clear-headed. Furthermore, Keenethics encourages knowledge sharing, regularly organizing workshops and webinars. We also offer compensation for taking courses, joining a gym, and many more.

  • Open-Source

We strive to share our knowledge and expertise with those who need a professional recommendation and assistance, should they be experienced developers, or newbies, or those who just plan to enter the industry. Therefore, our company is a major contributor to such open-source platforms as Botpress and Github, and we continue working hard to advance the global software development community.

  • Quality and Excellence

We are devoted to solving business challenges and providing excellent BA, design, development, and product support services. We conduct regular training and knowledge sharing programs, both external ones, such as various meetups or the annual Hacktoberfest, and internal tech talks. We carry out performance evaluations, practice pair programming and team brainstorming, visit external educational events, invite competent speakers from outside ― all for the sake of constantly improving our competence and ensuring the highest quality.

Wrap Up

Today, we got the chance to acquaint you with our brand story, our mission and values, and our keen and cool team. If you have questions or want to learn more about our company, do not hesitate to contact our professionals. We are always eager to assist you in solving issues or to give you guidance. 

Keenethics is proud of our achievements so far and wants to reach new goals day by day. Together with our clients, we build a strong and ethical business community and transform the understanding of partnership. We also welcome you to join us and contribute to making change. 

We care about our corporate culture!

IWe share our enthusiasm and optimism, cheer up those in dismay, and support those in need. We highly value and respect our team members, clients, and partners. Check out our Instagram and Facebook to see! Creating corporate culture is creating the culture of a team, so we build a team!

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Daria Hlavcheva
Daria Hlavcheva
Head of Partner Engagement
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