Keenethics is pleased to report that its team was included in the “The 2022 Best Software Development Companies In Education” list published annually by the leading consumer education website, OnlineDegree.com.
The efforts done by the Keenethics team to address the most critical development issues in e-learning applications have been one of the main goals this year. The end results are digital products, learning systems, and applications that are more intuitive and user-friendly.
“We’re very honored to be featured amongst the best software development companies”, says Max Savonin, the CEO of Keenethics. “Our team has been working hard, and we still have big plans ahead.”

OnlineDegree.com is an educational platform founded by edtech startup veterans and academics in higher education. The site has appeared in hundreds of media outlets and publications for its work to educate people on how to improve the affordability and accessibility of higher education.
Inclusion in the list of one of the Best Software Development Companies in Education for 2022 is a rewarding experience for the Keenethics team.